On August 7 we invite you to join us at GAC in the basement from 6:30-8-8:30 pm for a Taste and See of Year Two Prophetic Training.  This is an intermediate level but come even if you haven’t been to Year One Training.  We will be have a quick overview of Year Two and train and activate in the prophetic through intercession, writing, art, etc.  Feel free to bring your Bible, journal, sketch book, colored pencils, etc.  There will be some supplies available.
On September 6 and 7 join us as we travel to Valpariaso IN for Year One Training Activate by Dan McCollam and Bethany Hicks.  This is a Taste and See of Year One Prophetic Training. See the link to sign up.  Events (propheticcompany.com)   You can travel overnight or just for the day on Saturday based on sign up sheets which will be available in the narthex. Come August 7 to find out more.  The cost is $50 but let us know if you need help with the cost.
Looking forward to growing in the prophetic with you.
– Caroline Mulder and team

Check our Church Calendar to verify dates.