Regathering Update 04.21.21

Dear Gold Avenue Church Family,


The Regathering Team, along with the staff, have continued to seek the Lord’s leading as we work towards regathering for Sunday morning worship. Today we are pleased to share that we have set a target date of June 6 for our launch. This means that our plan, the Lord willing, is to resume our in person Sunday morning worship at church on a weekly basis, beginning June 6.


The Admin Elders have approved the creation of two new, part-time, interim staff positions to aid with the transition of resuming Sunday worship gatherings, while supporting our other ongoing ministries. We praise God that from within our congregation, the Lord has raised up two people who are willing and eager to use their gifts in this way. Kayleen Jasperse will be our Worship Coordinator, and Katie Harrison will be our Communication and Technology Assistant. We are excited to welcome them into these roles and are grateful for the Lord’s leading them.

Ahead of our launch, we’ll have a family gathering at church on May 16 where we hope to enjoy sweet fellowship together, share what to expect on Sunday mornings, and have time for Q&A. More information will be forthcoming about this family gathering; we hope that as many people as possible will be able to participate.


As we continue to work on planning the details and pulling all of the teams together for Sunday mornings, please pray for wisdom and guidance. There will be several precautions for Covid safety, which will be shared ahead of the May 16 family gathering for you to review. We are working to minimize their impact on the service. Covid numbers and guidance from government and health officials may continue to change, so we will need continued wisdom as we adapt. Please continue to be in prayer for the Regathering Team and staff as they seek the Lord and plan. We are committed to following the Lord’s leading, keeping safety as a priority.



The Regathering Team