Children’s Worship 6.7.20


Dear Parents,

Thanks for joining us again as we do Children’s Worship from home!  Today we are reminded that as Gods’ children we’re a part of a bigger family: God’s family! God wants everyone to be part of His family. When we choose to trust and obey Jesus, we become part of God’s family.


Please let us know about how your family is enjoying Children’s Worship! Take some pictures of your family participating in Children’s Worship or share a story. You can post to the Gold Avenue Church Facebook page or send by email at




Activity One: Watch the video(s)

Activity Two: Discuss the story using provided questions as prompts

Worship: Sing 

Activity Three:  Respond to the story by doing the activity(s). Pray together.

Activity Four:  Bless your children 


Offers perspective and context to the lesson’s Bible passage

“Now the tax collectors and sinners were all gathering around to hear Jesus. But the Pharisees and the teachers of the law muttered, ‘This man welcomes sinners and eats with them'” (Luke 15:1–2). To really understand the significance of Jesus’ message in the parables of the lost sheep, coin, and son, it’s helpful to take a look at the social and religious climate of the time. The Jewish leaders looked disapprovingly on tax collectors, Gentiles, and “sinners” as morally and religiously impure. They didn’t pursue relationship with these marginalized people, nor did they attempt to introduce them to God. They were considered lost. The fact that Jesus welcomed such people into His circle and shared meals with them was unheard of and quite uncomfortable to the Pharisees and teachers.

God chose the descendants of Abraham to take the message of who He is to the entire world. It was to be through the example of their relationship with God that other nations would be able to know the one true God. They were blessed to be a blessing to all people. Instead, over time this message was hoarded and kept within the Jewish community—excluding all who fell outside the law.

Jesus rebuked the judgmental mutterings of the Pharisees and teachers by telling three different parables with one central point: God rejoices when the lost are found (and so the Pharisees should too). Every person who isn’t in relationship with God is lost. Every person who is lost matters to God, and He invites the restoration of relationship with Him. God wants everyone to be part of His family.


Activity 1: STORY  

The Three Lost Things. 

Intro Video:

Lost Sheep and Lost Son: 


Activity 2: DISCUSSION

From The Big God Story today, we heard three stories that Jesus told. They each were about things of great value that were lost but then found. There was a big celebration when the lost things were found. God loves each person He made and wants everyone to be part of His family.


I wonder . .  What were the three lost things?

I wonder … How do I feel when I lose something?

I wonder … How does God feel when one of His children is lost?

I wonder … What does God do or say when He celebrates that one of His children is found?

Worship Songs: 


Option 1:   Playdough Lost items 

Supplies: Playdough

Give each child a lump of play dough. Have the kids make items related to the Bible story: a sheep, a coin, or a son. As kids work, allow them to retell the parable for the object they chose to shape. Remind kids that Jesus told these parables to teach about Himself. He gave up His own life to save people from sin. Say, “What does it mean to be lost? Being lost means not knowing Jesus as Lord and Savior

Option 2:  Make a sheep mask


Paper Plates

Cotton Balls

Glue or glue sticks



Directions: Cut the middle out of a paper plate, glue cotton balls around the outside. Use the middle part to make ears and glue them on. Use the mask when you sing this song to the tune of Jesus Loves Me. You may want to reinforce the paper plate with a piece of cardboard or another cut out paper plate if it gets heavy with cotton balls.


I am Jesus’ little lamb,

Happy all day long I am

I am His and He is mine,

For I am His little lamb.


Yes, Jesus loves me,

Yes, Jesus loves me,

Yes, Jesus loves me,

The Bible tells me so.


Option 3: Pin the Tail on the Sheep


Large paper with a drawing of a sheep on it. Mark where the tail is supposed to go with an X.  Tape the drawing to a wall within reach of children.

Cotton balls (1 per child)

Glue dots  1 per child)

Optional: blindfold


Give each child a chance to try to place the sheep’s tail on the sheep. Whoever places the tail the closest to the X is the winner. Have the child close his/her eyes and try to place the tail, using a blindfold as necessary. For an additional challenge, consider gently spinning each child in a circle three times to confuse his sense of direction. Encourage the group to help cheer on each child, giving him hints if he’s getting colder (farther away) or warmer (closer). Continue this game until everyone has had a turn.




Begin by reading this verse from 1 John 3:1a over them: “See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!”


(“Child’s name”), “may you know you’re God’s child. May you know you’re loved by Him, and there is nowhere that His love can’t reach you.”