Children’s Worship 01.24.21

Dear Parents,

Thanks for joining us again as we do Children’s Worship from home!  

Note: Please let us know about how your family is enjoying Children’s Worship! Take some pictures of your family participating in Children’s Worship or share a story. You can post to the Gold Avenue Church Facebook page or send by email at


House on the Rock

Based on: Matthew 7:24-29


Activity One:  Read the intro. Watch the video.

Activity Two: Discuss the story using provided questions as prompts.

Worship: Singing 

Activity Three:  Respond to the story by doing the activity. 

Activity Four:  Bless your children 



(It’s not an activity, but just a little background on the story for you, the parent, to read.) 


Ever done one of those “easy and inexpensive” building or remodeling projects? Cautioned by the awful experiences of many of my friends, I was sure a simple bathroom remodel would go off without a hitch—but I hadn’t fully appreciated the value of the foundation! And after Handyman Number One had come and gone, the licensed contractor pointed out that the foundation for the shower pan hadn’t been done correctly. The shower would have looked great for a while—and then it would have crumbled into a moldy mess beneath the daily pounding of water drops!


We don’t want our spiritual lives to be like that, looking great on the surface but without the right foundation. That’s why Jesus reminds us that when we value God’s Word, read it, live it out and then grow from each experience, we build a strong foundation for our lives. No storm, disaster or even shower can erode that sort of foundation!


This lesson is all about the Word. The Bible tells us that Jesus is the eternal Word, who came to Earth as the expression of God the Father (see John 1:1-4). Our salvation is built on the foundation of Jesus’ birth, life, death and resurrection. We can stand firm on this foundation. But God gives us more! His Word, the Bible, is the foundation on which we build strong lives.


Mary Davis

Senior Editor (this curriculum)


Activity 1:  STORY


Introduction: An activity.

You will need a fluffy towel and some building type blocks.


Have child(ren) stack blocks to build towers, first on a folded up fluffy towel and then on the table. Students compare the sturdiness of their towers.


  • Why do you think the tower on the table was stronger?
  • What happens to a building when it is built on something that is not solid? Why?
  • Today we are going to talk about the most important part of any building!


To read the children


As Jesus traveled from town to town and talked to crowds of people, He taught the people many things about God. He talked about being kind and showing mercy to other people. He talked about praying to God. He talked about forgiving others. There was a LOT for the people to learn!


But there was something MORE Jesus wanted the people to understand! As you listen to the story Jesus told, see if you can figure out what else Jesus wanted the people to know. In the story that Jesus told, there were two men who decided to build new houses for their families.


Watch the video:



Activity 2:  DISCUSSION


  • What did the builders do that was the same? Different?

  • In this story, what did the builders represent?  (People.) The houses? (Our lives.) The rainstorm? (Hard times.) The rock? (The Bible.)

  • What did Jesus want people to learn from this story? (How important it is to obey what the Bible says.)


Let’s talk about what it means to live with the Bible as the foundation for our lives. One thing the Bible tells us is to do good things for others.  (See Galatians 6:10. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do goodt to all people, especially to those who belong to the familyu of believers.) What are some specific ways to obey this verse? Children tell things they can do (be patient with others, help a parent with chores, look for ways to help someone who is having a bad day, etc.). As time permits, repeat with other commands in the Bible (tell the truth, live in peace, etc.)


Encourage children to pray for these things with their own words. Then, transition into a time of prayer for personal requests.


Worship Songs:






Make a Bible Bookmark


We are wise when we do what God’s Word says. Put your bookmark in your Bible and use it to mark the verses you read during the week. You can remember that each time you obey God’s Word, you are building a strong foundation for your life that will help you when troubles come.



  • Bibles
  • Scissors
  • Glue Sticks
  • 10-inch (25.5-cm) lengths of narrow ribbon
  • Markers


Give each child a Bookmark Shapes Pattern. Each child chooses a shape to use for his or her bookmark and cuts out the two matching shapes. Child glues shapes back-to-back, sandwiching one or two ribbon lengths between the shapes. Child adds his or her name and decorates shapes as desired.

Response Activity #2     

Print and Color (right click and save image)



Jesus’ story about the wise and foolish builders reminds us of what God has given us to help us build strong lives. The Bible says that when God sent Jesus, God was showing us in real life His words to us. Our salvation is built on Jesus and what He did for us. But God gives us the Bible, too, which helps us know how to build strong lives.


(______________), May you grow in your foundation on God’s Word, the Bible. May your life 


house be built on Jesus and God’s Word.