Dear Parents,

Thanks for joining us again as we do Children’s Worship from home!  

Note: Please let us know about how your family is enjoying Children’s Worship! Take some pictures of your family participating in Children’s Worship or share a story. You can post to the Gold Avenue Church Facebook page or send by email at

Who’s the Greatest?

Based on: Mark 9:33-37; 10:13-16


(It’s not an activity, but just a little background on the story for you, the parent, to read.) 


I’m encouraged to judge, vote on or rank pretty much everything I see— performances, people, news stories, you name it! And I’m expected to rank them by our culture’s values: success, education, wealth and beauty. Those standards can easily affect my estimate of who’s worthy—even in God’s kingdom!

But here is the good news: When Jesus came, He replaced these commonly accepted values with just one new kingdom value—servanthood. Being the servant of all requires no success, no education, no wealth and no beauty—any of Jesus’ followers can be the greatest, even me!

When I include and value each person—building that person up by my words and acceptance—I show the world Jesus’ radically opposite value system. When I serve others, forgetting myself completely instead of wondering who’ll notice my servanthood, I can be great in Jesus’ eyes!


Activity One:  Read the intro. Watch the video of the story.

Activity Two: Discuss the story using provided questions as prompts. Prayer.

Worship: Singing 

Activity Three:  Respond to the story by doing the activity. 

Activity Four:  Bless your children 


Activity 1:  STORY


Introduction to read to the children:  This story is in two parts. The first part is explained below. The second part is watching the video.


Before class, tape a sheet of butcher paper to table top. Draw a simple path and several trees alongside the path. As you tell the story, follow the directions to use Lego figures or action figures to demonstrate the Bible story actions.



Jesus and His friends had been walking back to Capernaum, which seemed to be their favorite place to stay. (Place several figures to represent Jesus and His disciples walking along the path.) But as they walked, Jesus overheard something: Some of His friends were arguing, probably in low voices to keep Jesus from hearing!

Soon they arrived at the house where they were going and took off their coats.  (Put figures at the end of the path with the disciples facing Jesus.)  Jesus asked His disciples, “What were you all arguing about on the road?” Perhaps Jesus’ friends had thought they had kept Jesus from hearing them argue. But He had heard them!

The disciples must have felt pretty uncomfortable. They probably wondered, _How can we tell Jesus that we were arguing about which of us is going to be the GREATEST in His kingdom? _ Even though there were things about Jesus and His kingdom that the disciples didn’t understand, they certainly DID understand that their arguing showed how selfish they all were! The things they’d been saying to each other were NOT going to please Jesus!

Jesus sat down. He knew what the disciples had argued about. And He knew that they were confused about the very DIFFERENT kingdom Jesus had come to bring to Earth! Jesus leaned in to talk with His dearest friends. It was time to set them straight! Jesus looked at His disciples. “If you want to be first,” He told them, “you need to become a servant to all.”

What do you think the disciples thought about being servants? Could Jesus be joking? Nobody listens to servants! they probably thought. Jesus’ disciples wanted to be LEADERS. They didn’t want to be SERVANTS! This wasn’t at ALL the kind of kingdom Jesus’ friends were looking for! Why is Jesus saying these things?!

Jesus knew the disciples didn’t understand what He had said, so He called to a little child, “Come here.” He stood the little child in the middle of the room where everyone could see. (Add a figure to represent the child.) Then Jesus held the child and said, “Whoever welcomes one of these little children in My name welcomes Me.” Jesus meant that children are so important that they should be welcomed just as Jesus would be welcomed

No matter who we are, we all have value in God’s eyes.

Jesus may have realized that the disciples still didn’t understand what being the greatest or the most important means. So on another day not long after this, Jesus helped His friends learn more about who is important and who isn’t.

Watch video:


Conclusion to read to the children:

Jesus taught His friends that EVERY person is important to God. Because God values us and loves us, He wants us to show other people the same kind of love. Read 1 John 4:11 aloud. “Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.Instead of worrying about who is the best, we can serve others with no worries—and be the greatest in God’s kingdom!


Activity 2:  DISCUSSION

    • What were Jesus’ friends arguing about? (Who was going to be the greatest.) What did Jesus tell them?  (To be the greatest, serve others.)
    • What did Jesus do when His friends chased the kids away? (Invited the kids to come to Him. Said God’s kingdom is for them!)
    • What did Jesus’ friends learn? (Jesus loves children. God values every person.)
    • What are some reasons we know to value other people? (God loves them. God made them. God wants them to be part of His family.)
    • What are some ways we can show that we value others? (Listen when they talk, even if we disagree. Treat others fairly. Be friendly to kids who might be lonely.
  • Let’s pray now and ask God to show us how to value and love others.

Encourage children to pray for God to help them with something they need this week in their own words. Then, transition into a time of prayer for personal requests.

Worship Songs:

Activity #1  Print and color


Activity #2  Print and color



Sometimes we all want to be first or to be the best at something. Jesus’ words help us understand that being first doesn’t mean we’re greater or more important than others. In God’s eyes, because He loves us all, we are all valuable to Him. And because God values and loves all of us, He wants us to value others by treating them in loving ways.


This week remember that God values you and values others. 


(______________), may you look for ways that God can use you to treat someone in a loving way.

Dear Parents,

Thanks for joining us again as we do Children’s Worship from home!  

Note: Please let us know about how your family is enjoying Children’s Worship! Take some pictures of your family participating in Children’s Worship or share a story. You can post to the Gold Avenue Church Facebook page or send by email at

Lunch for Everyone

Based on: Mark 6:30-44


(It’s not an activity, but just a little background on the story for you, the parent, to read.) 


I don’t know about you, but when I find myself in difficult circumstances, I often become pretty absorbed with finding solutions to my problems. When life gets uncomfortable for us, thinking about other people’s needs doesn’t come very naturally!


But Jesus wants us to give our problems to Him—and then get busy serving others. How do we do that when we’re worried, anxious or frustrated? I’ve found that one very simple way is to pray for people. Prayer helps me forget about myself for a while and think about others—and about God. The amazing thing is that when I do this, I end up feeling so much better myself—and I often end up with some surprising blessings!


In the story about Jesus feeding the 5,000, we see that Jesus not only cared for the physical hunger of the people, but He also cared for their hungry souls. Mark tells us in his Gospel that Jesus had compassion on the crowd because they were like sheep without a shepherd. Jesus’ compassion led Him to teach the good news about God, despite His own need for rest. Jesus showed us then and He shows us now that He is the true Shepherd sent by God. Jesus gladly provides for all our needs.


Activity One:  Read the intro. Watch the video of the story.

Activity Two: Discuss the story using provided questions as prompts. Prayer.

Worship: Singing 

Activity Three:  Respond to the story by doing the activity. 

Activity Four:  Bless your children 


Activity 1:  STORY


Introduction to read the children:

Jesus’ friends had traveled to many villages to tell everyone about God’s kingdom—and now they had returned home, tired and hungry but triumphant! They probably couldn’t wait to sit down and eat with Jesus and tell Him all that had happened! But as usual, they weren’t alone. In fact, so many people were coming and going that they didn’t even have time to eat! So Jesus said, “Come with Me. We’ll go to a quiet place and get some rest.” So Jesus and His disciples got in a boat.


But the people who had seen them leave began to run along the shore, keeping an eye  on the boat on the water! And as they ran, more and MORE people joined them! By the time Jesus and His friends got to the “quiet place,” it held an even BIGGER crowd than the crowd they had left behind! They weren’t going to get dinner or rest anytime soon! What do you think the tired disciples thought when they saw the crowd?


Watch video:


Conclusion to read to the children:

Everyone in this Bible story needed something! Jesus and the disciples needed to rest. The crowd of people needed to know about God, and they needed food! Despite His own needs, Jesus wasn’t mean or unselfish or uncaring. He always put others’ needs ahead of His own.


We may think that before we help someone else, we need to meet our own needs first. But that’s not what Jesus did, and that’s not what Jesus tells us to do. We need to look at things differently. When we follow Jesus, we have different attitudes and actions. 


Romans 12:10 tells us what our attitude should be like. (Read aloud Romans 12:10). Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor.”


We can have an attitude just like Jesus’, and we can show love by helping others in need.


Activity 2:  DISCUSSION

  • Why were people in Bible times so anxious to see Jesus and hear Him teach?
  • When Jesus saw the big crowd, what did He do to help them? (Taught them about God. Fed them.)
  • How did the disciples meet others’ needs, even when they were hungry, too? (Gave out food. Obeyed Jesus.)
  • Let children tell briefly of a time when they helped someone, even when it wasn’t convenient. (Take out the trash,  help pick up someone else’s mess,  play with a younger brother or sister when you want to be alone.)


  • Let’s pray now and talk to God and ask Him to show us how to help others and then be willing to do it.

Encourage children to pray for God to help them with something they need this week in their own words. Then, transition into a time of prayer for personal requests.


Worship Songs:


Activity #2  Print and color






This week remember that God will use you to help others.


(______________), may you look for ways that God can use you to help someone else in need. 

Dear Parents,

Thanks for joining us again as we do Children’s Worship from home!  

Note: Please let us know about how your family is enjoying Children’s Worship! Take some pictures of your family participating in Children’s Worship or share a story. You can post to the Gold Avenue Church Facebook page or send by email at

Wake Up Little Girl!

Based on: Mark 5:21-43


(It’s not an activity, but just a little background on the story for you, the parent, to read.) 


When I am having a difficult day or have received some bad news, what is my first response? I know that I should turn to God, but sometimes I think first of myself and get upset. Only later do I remember to turn to God.


The stories of Jairus’s daughter and the woman who touched Jesus’ cloak encourage me to be more confident in my faith. Jairus believed that if he could just get Jesus to see his daughter, then she would be healed. The woman believed that if she could just touch the hem of Jesus’ clothes, her suffering would be gone. These were ordinary, everyday people, but they had extraordinary faith!


Psalm 17:6 is a great reminder for me to call on God. And when I do, I know that He will answer me. There isn’t a prayer that gets ignored by God. Spend some time letting God know what is on your heart.


Activity One:  Read the intro. Watch the video of the story.

Activity Two: Discuss the story using provided questions as prompts. Prayer.

Worship: Singing 

Activity Three:  Respond to the story by doing the activity. 

Activity Four:  Bless your children 


Activity 1:  STORY


Introduction to read the children:


As Jesus and His friends arrived in town, a crowd  gathered around them. And a man named Jairus  desperately pushed his way toward Jesus. Jairus  was an important man in town. He was an official in the synagogue where everyone in town gathered to worship and to learn about God’s Word. When Jairus finally got to Jesus, Jairus fell at Jesus’ feet and begged him to come and put His hands on his daughter so that she could be healed. You see, Jairus’s daughter was so sick that Jairus was afraid she would die if she didn’t get Jesus’ help! What do you think your parents would do if you were so sick that they thought you might die? Jairus must have believed that Jesus could help his daughter, so he was glad when Jesus started with him toward his house.


Watch video:

JESUS, (English), Jesus brings Jairus’ Dead Daughter Back to Life


Conclusion to read to the children

Jairus and the woman must have been so glad that they had believed in Jesus and asked Him for help, even when it seemed as if Jesus was too busy or there was no hope! Sometimes when we have problems or even BIG worries, we might stop believing that Jesus can help us. We might even forget to ask for His help! But listen to what Psalm 17:6 tells us to do. (Read verse aloud.) I call on you, my God, for you will answer me; turn your ear to me and hear my prayer.” When we call on God, it means we pray to Him. He answers! We can be confident that He will give us what we need. He doesn’t always answer in the way we expect—sometimes He might say “No” or “Later” or “Here’s something better!”


Activity 2:  DISCUSSION

  • What did Jairus want Jesus to do? (Heal his sick girl.)
  • What did Jesus say to Jairus when his friends told him his daughter was dead? (Don’t be afraid. Believe.)
  • What are some ways God might answer our prayers? (He might say “Yes,” “No,” “Wait a while” or even “I have something better.”) God can also answer our prayers by reminding us that He really loves us!
  • What are some things kids your age can talk to God about? (A bully at school. Good things that happen. Kids making fun of you. Trouble with brother or sister.)

Let’s pray now and talk to God about something that is a problem in our life and to trust Him to answer our prayers in the best way.

Encourage children to pray for God to help them with something they need this week in their own words. Then, transition into a time of prayer for personal requests.


Worship Songs:

Jesus Loves The Little Children


#1 Print and Color

Activity #2  Prayer Pocket


  • Scissors
  • Glue sticks
  • Markers
  • Hole punch
  • Yarn or narrow ribbon
  • Craft sticks

Give each student a Prayer Pocket sheet. Students cut out Prayer Pocket along the solid lines. Students fold in the side flaps along the dotted lines and put glue on them. Then students fold the back up. Students decorate the front and back of their pocket and then use hole punch to make holes at the dots. Students thread yarn or narrow ribbon through holes and tie ends to make a hanger. Give each student several craft sticks to write one-word prayer requests (family, friends, pet, school, sports, etc.). Students place craft sticks inside their pockets.

Hang your pockets somewhere you see often. Before bedtime or when you wake up, take out one of your craft sticks and talk to God about what is written on the stick. God loves it when we talk to Him. The Bible says that when we talk to God, He will answer us. I’m glad that God listens to me when I pray and that He is never too busy to hear me.


Activity #3  Print and Color




This week remember that God will always listen to you when you call to Him. There isn’t a prayer spoken that God doesn’t hear.


(______________), may you know that God always hears and answers prayer.


Dear Parents,

Thanks for joining us again as we do Children’s Worship from home!  

Note: Please let us know about how your family is enjoying Children’s Worship! Take some pictures of your family participating in Children’s Worship or share a story. You can post to the Gold Avenue Church Facebook page or send by email at

Sleeping Through the Storm

Based on: Mark 4:35-41


(It’s not an activity, but just a little background on the story for you, the parent, to read.) 


During the worst year of my life, I received a unique gift: a tiger swallowtail butterfly. It had been rescued from the middle of the busiest, dirtiest street in the city, plucked from certain death in an improbable way and placed in a take-out box. In an impossible place, this delicate creature had rested and been graced with a rescue as it rested. Its presence in my hands reminded me of the lack of rest in my own life as I scrambled to fix everything myself, on my own terms.


As Jesus slept through the howling wind and crashing waves, His peaceful nap reminds us that He had made this water and called forth this wind— they were His! Jesus’ actions astonished His disciples, mainly because they didn’t fully understand yet who He was. Today, we have complete information about Him. Knowing fully that He is the Savior sent by God, we also must answer His questions: “Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?” (Mark 4:40). He is still Lord, still able!


From the outside, the peace Jesus offers us may look as improbable as a butterfly resting in the middle of a busy street—or as Jesus Himself sleeping peacefully through a storm! But as we rest in His peace, we receive the ability to sit tight in the middle of the worst possible situation, trusting Him to do more than we can imagine!


Activity One:  Read the intro. Watch the video of the story.

Activity Two: Discuss the story using provided questions as prompts. Prayer.

Worship: Singing 

Activity Three:  Respond to the story by doing the activity. 

Activity Four:  Bless your children 



Activity 1:  STORY


Introduction to read the children:

Jesus and His friends were near the Sea of Galilee. They were with a huge crowd of people who had come to see Jesus. All day long, Jesus was teaching and healing. He and His friends were getting tired, but even when it got late, the people stayed. They weren’t going anywhere!


Jesus turned to His friends and said, “Let’s get into the boat and travel to the other side of the sea.” This would give Jesus and His friends a chance to rest before another crowd of people gathered!


Watch video:



Conclusion to read to the children


Jesus proved that He has power over all of creation. He can keep us safe in any storm. He can give us peace in any scary situation. Show bike lock. Does your bike have the ability to keep itself safe from being stolen? No! That’s why you lock it up. Then you have peace of mind that it is safe! In the same way, when times are hard and scary, there is no one like Jesus to depend on. When we ask for His help and remember His power, it gives us peace of mind in scary times.

Our Bible verse today tells us the BEST way to lock onto that peace! Read aloud Philippians 4:6.  “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.”  Don’t worry! In every situation, we can pray and trust Jesus! When we thank Him and trust Him, He gives us peace. He helps us feel safe and cared for.


Activity 2:  DISCUSSION

  • Why do you think Jesus continued to sleep during such a bad storm? (He knew God would take care of them. He knew He had power over the storm.)
  • Why did Jesus’ friends think He didn’t care about them? How did Jesus show them He would help them when they asked?
  • Why do you think Jesus’ friends were so amazed when He stopped the storm? (They didn’t realize He had power over wind and waves. They didn’t realize how powerful He really was.)
  • What do you think a kid who needs peace should do? (Ask a trusted person for help. Pray.) What does Philippians 4:6 tell us to do? (Tell God your worries.)
  • What are ways to have peace when you are worried or afraid? (Pray. Believe Jesus. Trust God. Thank God for His help.)

Let’s pray now and ask God for peace for something that is bothering us and to trust Him to take care of it.

Encourage children to pray for God to help them with something they need peace with this week in their own words. Then, transition into a time of prayer for personal requests.


Worship Songs:




Jesus Brings Peace Crayon Resist Art


Help kids remember this Bible story about Jesus calming the storm and bringing peace for the disciples and for us, too, with this craft.



  • white crayon (or a wax candle)
  • watercolor paint
  • cardstock or watercolor paper
  • paintbrushes



  1. Have children write (or you write) “Jesus gives me peace,” or Jesus gives me peace in scary times,“ or the verse Phillipians 4:6 on the cardstock using a white crayon.
  2. Paint over the cardstock with watercolor paint.
  3. Let dry, and voila! Crayon resist art!


Activity #2  Print and Color



This week when I’m at work or home, I’m going to talk to God about things that worry me. I’ll pray that you remember to talk to God, too.


(______________), may God bless you with His peace this week and forever!


Dear Parents,

Thanks for joining us again as we do Children’s Worship from home!   

Note: Please let us know about how your family is enjoying Children’s Worship!  Take some pictures of your family participating in Children’s Worship or share a story. You can post to the Gold Avenue Church Facebook page or send by email at

Working on the Sabbath?

Based on: Mark 2:23-28; 3:1-6



(It’s not an activity, but just a little background on the story for you, the parent, to read.) 


One Sunday, I watched as a visiting family arrived early to the worship service and chose a place to sit. A few moments later, a family who had attended our church for many years came and found that “their” seats were taken. Instead of finding another place to sit, they left, and the following week they made sure they arrived at church earlier. It was sad that the family missed out on seeing God at work in the visitors’ lives.


If we’re not careful, we can find ourselves in similar situations. That’s what happened to the Pharisees. They stuck to their traditions and were upset when Jesus healed someone during “their” Sabbath service. This week, examine areas of your life where traditions or being comfortable where you are may hinder you from being a part of something wonderful that God has planned.


When Jesus’ actions on the Sabbath went against the established rules of the Pharisees, He showed the authority given to Him as God’s Son, the Savior. When we decide to be followers of Jesus, we give Him authority over our lives, too. We choose to love Him and follow His example of loving others.


Lisa Pham, Editor


Activity One:  Read the intro. Watch the video of the story.

Activity Two: Discuss the story using provided questions as prompts. Prayer.

Worship: Singing 

Activity Three:  Respond to the story by doing the activity. 

Activity Four:  Bless your children 


Activity 1:  STORY


Introduction to read the children:


By now, Jesus and His friends had become pretty well known. And no matter what Jesus did or said, it seemed that there was always someone watching Him who complained, argued or even told Jesus that He was breaking a rule! Today’s Bible story starts on one of those days when the Pharisees, the religious leaders, were watching Jesus.


Watch video:


Conclusion to read to the children


Jesus showed what God’s love is really like when He cared about the needs of the people around Him. And He chose to do that every day, not just on days when other people thought He should!  Jesus wants us to show God’s love every day, too.


Following Jesus is about more than just obeying a bunch of rules. When we follow Jesus, we do the things He did—we show love to other people and care about their needs. And we choose to do these things because we know that Jesus really loves us! 


A Bible verse tells us how we can show God’s love to others! Galatians 6:2 says: Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.”  We carry each other’s burdens when we help each other and care about problems that other people have.


Activity 2:  DISCUSSION

  • Why were the Pharisees upset with Jesus? (They cared more about their way of doing things than about showing love to others.) 
  • What did Jesus want them to do instead?
  • What did the Pharisees choose to do? Why?
  • What would Jesus tell kids your age about doing what’s right?
  • What do you think the law of Christ is? (Following Jesus by showing His love to others. What does Galatians 6:2 tell us to do? (Carry each other’s burdens. Help each other.) Helping and caring for others is a way to do what’s right in Jesus’ eyes! How have you helped someone who was having a hard time? How has someone helped you?

Encourage children to pray for God to help them with helping others this week in their own words. Then, transition into a time of prayer for personal requests.


Worship Songs:



Jesus Heals Craft


Help kids remember this Bible story about Jesus healing the man with the withered hand and how we need to help others for Jesus. 

To make this helping hands craft, you will want to cut hands out of brightly colored construction paper.


Next, have kids tape (or you could glue) hands to make a circle. We found that 7 was the perfect number and made a good size circle.


Have the child write by themselves or with help ideas of how they can use their hands to serve Jesus by helping others. Some of the ideas included:

  • set the table
  • do my best in school
  • hold the door open for someone else
  • hug my grandma
  • rake neighbors leaves
  • clapping praise during worship


Response Activity #2  Print and Color



Helping each other is a way to do what’s right. No matter what you do this week, look for ways to do what’s right in Jesus’ eyes!


(______________), once again, may you find ways to go beyond what is expected in helping others this week


Dear Parents,

Thanks for joining us again as we do Children’s Worship from home!  

Note: Please let us know about how your family is enjoying Children’s Worship! Take some pictures of your family participating in Children’s Worship or share a story. You can post to the Gold Avenue Church Facebook page or send by email at

Friendship and Forgiveness

Based on: Mark 2:1-12




(It’s not an activity, but just a little background on the story for you, the parent, to read.) 


A few years ago, a major league baseball player became a media sensation simply because he showed up for every game to do his job. Because our culture doesn’t have  very high expectations of sports stars, it became a big deal that the player had perfect attendance!

Today’s Bible story shows us the beauty of doing more than is expected—both on the part of the four friends and also on the part of Jesus Himself! Helping others may sometimes require courage and creativity as we follow Jesus’ example to go beyond what is expected in showing love.


For me, the times others have gone out of their way to help me are memories that I treasure. And they motivate me to want to take extra measures in helping others. But the abundant love of Jesus is the real life changer! There is no way to pay back His love. We can only live a life of love in grateful response to the way that Christ has loved us.


Jesus’ healing of the paralyzed man gives us a complete picture of how Jesus intervenes in our lives. Jesus, God’s Son, not only healed the man’s legs, but healed the man’s soul as well. The healed man was a living witness to Jesus’ power over sin. We, too, when we believe in Jesus, can be forgiven of our sin and be witnesses of His power in our lives.


Mary Davis, Senior Editor


Activity One:  Read the intro. Watch the video of the story.

Activity Two: Discuss the story using provided questions as prompts. Prayer.

Worship: Singing 

Activity Three:  Respond to the story by doing the activity. 

Activity Four:  Bless your children 


Activity 1:  STORY


Introduction:To read the children:


Wherever Jesus went, there was plenty of excitement! On this particular day, Jesus and His friends were in Capernaum. Of course, news spread like wildfire—”Jesus is here!” Once people found out where Jesus was, what do you think happened? (a) They set off fireworks. (b) They gathered for a fish fry on the beach. (c) They crowded in and around the house where Jesus was staying. Pause for students to respond. And the answer is C! People crowded inside the house. When it was full, more people crowded around the windows and doors and all around outside! The house was packed, inside and out!


Watch video:


Activity 2:  DISCUSSION

  • What does it mean to be paralyzed? (Cannot move. Cannot move arms and/or legs.)
  • What did the friends of the paralyzed man do to meet the needs of their friend? (They carried their friend to see Jesus. They dug a hole in a roof and lowered the man down.)
  • What did the friends expect Jesus to do? (Heal their friend.)
  • How did Jesus go beyond what was expected?  (He healed the man AND forgave his sins.)
  • What can you do this week to follow Jesus’ example in helping others? (Look for people to help. Try to help people in my family before they ask for help. Treat friends kindly and respectfully.)

Encourage children to pray for God to help them with helping others this week in their own words. Then, transition into a time of prayer for personal requests.


Worship Songs:




  • Card stock
  • Crayons
  • Glue
  • Yarn in a variety of colors
  • Scissors

We can use our hands to help others. What are some ways you can use your hands to help someone at school? At home? This week, see if you can not only meet a need by helping someone, but also see if you can go beyond what is expected!

Give each child a sheet of cardstock and a crayon. Child traces one of their hands on the piece of paper and then applies a thin line of glue to the crayon lines. Child places a length of yarn on the line of glue. Child then prints on the card stock a word or phrase as a reminder to help others. Students add designs with glue, covering the glue with different colors of yarn.  Using crayons instead of markers to trace hands will help students avoid getting marks along the edges of their hands.

Response Activity #2  Print and Color


There were lots of unexpected actions in this story! The four friends not only carried their friend to Jesus but also tore a hole in the roof! And, best of all, Jesus not only healed the man’s legs but also forgave his sins! The man’s needs were met in unexpected ways. Every day we can look for ways to meet the needs of others, too.

(______________),  May you find ways to go beyond what is expected in helping others this week


Dear Parents, 

Thanks for joining us again as we do Children’s Worship from home!  

Note: Please let us know about how your family is enjoying Children’s Worship! Take some pictures of your family participating in Children’s Worship or share a story. You can post to the Gold Avenue Church Facebook page or send by email at

One Busy Day!

Based on: Mark 1:21-34




(It’s not an activity, but just a little background on the story for you, the parent, to read.) 


Trusting people or things can be difficult! I have difficulty putting my trust in roller coasters. When I see one speeding down a large dip into a loop, it is hard for me to remember that it is really securely attached to a track. This is similar to my relationship with Christ. I know that I can trust Him, because He loves me; but when I see troubles ahead or I’m not sure where the next turn is going to take me, I sometimes feel afraid.


One thing that always helps me stay on track is the Bible. When I spend time in God’s Word, I read the many stories of how God has loved, helped, healed and saved His people. When I read those stories, it reminds me of all the reasons I have to trust and praise Him.


The Gospel of Mark is a book of action! Mark presents Jesus as the Servant, emphasizing the way in which Jesus helped others. By showing what Jesus accomplished on Earth and how His coming changed the world, Mark proves that Jesus is the Son of God. When we believe in Jesus and choose to follow Him, He changes our lives, too! Jesus is our Savior and helper.

Lisa Pham



Activity One:  Read the intro. Watch the video of the story.

Activity Two: Discuss the story using provided questions as prompts. Prayer.

Worship: Singing 

Activity Three:  Respond to the story by doing the activity. 

Activity Four:  Bless your children 


Activity 1:  STORY


Introduction:To read the children:


Peter, Andrew, James and John were fishermen. They had been at the Sea of Galilee, throwing and mending their fishing nets, when Jesus had called out to them and asked them to come and follow Him. So they left their jobs and started to follow Jesus right then and there! They were Jesus’ disciples. At this time, Peter was known as Simon.


Jesus’ disciples traveled with Him. One day they came to Capernaum, the town where Peter lived with his wife and her mother.


On Saturday, Jesus went to the synagogue along with most everyone else in Capernaum. (A synagogue was like a church.) In the synagogue, Jesus taught the people about God, reading and explaining the Old Testament to them.

Just about the time Jesus finished speaking, a man began to shout at Him! The shouting man was controlled by an evil spirit—and the words were coming from that spirit. That evil spirit knew EXACTLY who Jesus was! And it was AFRAID! Jesus simply and sternly said to the spirit, “Be quiet! Come out of him!” And of course, the evil spirit DID come out—because even evil spirits have to obey Jesus!

Can you imagine the scene? Listen as I read Mark 1:27. You’ll hear what the people thought and said after this happened.  “All the people were amazed. So they asked each other, “What is this? A new teaching! And with so much authority! He even gives orders to evil spirits, and they obey him.”

This huge roomful of people must have been completely silent as they watched Jesus deal with that evil spirit. Then, when the evil spirit left, the people probably all talked at once! 

This Jesus, this rabbi friend of Peter’s, was VERY different! When He taught, He acted like He knew what He was talking about! And He wasn’t afraid of a screaming evil spirit. He ordered it to leave, and it OBEYED!


Then Jesus and His friends went from the synagogue to Peter’s house. At Peter’s house was one person who had stayed home. Peter’s mother-in-law was very ill. Let’s see what Jesus did when He found out.


Watch the video: Then read the conclusion to the children.




Read to the children after watching the video:


Soon people brought all of their sick friends and family members to Jesus. As it began to get dark, it didn’t get quiet! A big crowd gathered outside Peter’s house. Everyone who knew someone who needed help had brought those people to see Jesus! And what did Jesus do? He went from person to person, kindly healing the sick ones. 


What do you think the people in Capernaum did after they learned about Jesus and saw what He did? Every day, the news spread farther, as traders traveled, as farmers went into different towns and as fishermen unloaded their catch in other villages. This was the BIGGEST news!


Activity 2:  DISCUSSION


  • Who needed help in this story?
  • What did Jesus do to show that He was a leader people could trust? (Taught about God. Helped people. Healed people.)
  • What did the people in Capernaum do or say when they heard about Jesus?  (They were excited and brought sick people to Jesus. They spread the news about Jesus.)


Many people in today’s Bible story discovered that Jesus was an amazing, wonderful person. Many of them decided to let Him be their leader. They wanted Jesus to be in charge of their lives. We can decide to follow Jesus, too.


How can you show that Jesus is in charge of your life? (Pray to Him. Obey commands in the Bible.)


Let’s pray now and let Jesus know He is in charge of our lives.


Encourage children to pray for these things with their own words. Then, transition into a time of prayer for personal requests.


Worship Songs:






Response Activity #2  Print and Color


We can trust Jesus, because we know He loves us and has taken care of us in so many ways already. We can trust Him to be in charge of our lives. It makes me happy to know that Jesus’ love for us will never, ever, ever, EVER end.


(______________),  May you always trust Jesus to be in charge of your life!


Dear Parents,

Thanks for joining us again as we do Children’s Worship from home!  

Note: Please let us know about how your family is enjoying Children’s Worship! Take some pictures of your family participating in Children’s Worship or share a story. You can post to the Gold Avenue Church Facebook page or send by email at


Mission Possible!

Based on: Matthew 28:16-20; Acts 1:1-11



(It’s not an activity, but just a little background on the story for you, the parent, to read.) 


As a shy kid, I felt like the Great Commission was the worst duty Jesus had put on my to-do list. Tell others about Him? Scary! But I finally realized that my view was wrong: Jesus did NOT give this task as a duty; rather, He was inviting His followers to join Him in the great adventure of reconciling the world to Himself!


What could be more exciting than talking about the One you love the most? What could be more fun and fulfilling than helping people follow Jesus and live forever in amazing joy? It’s a “can’t keep it to myself” outflow of love!


I pray that my love might overflow into gracious actions—actions that are marked by a family likeness to Jesus.


The Great Commission given by Jesus not only includes a command but also a promise: “I am with you always, to the very end of the age” (Matthew 28:20). These words are significant, because they represent God’s plan for Jesus from start to finish. The prophet Isaiah told of the child who would be born and called “Immanuel” (see Isaiah 7:14). Matthew told us the meaning of “Immanuel”: “God with us” (see Matthew 1:23). From Isaiah to Matthew and then from Jesus Himself, we learn of the One sent by God to be with us and bring us salvation.


Mary Davis

Senior Editor


Activity One:  Read the intro. Watch the video of the story..

Activity Two: Discuss the story using provided questions as prompts. Prayer.

Worship: Singing 

Activity Three:  Respond to the story by doing the activity. 

Activity Four:  Bless your children 


Activity 1:  STORY


Introduction:To read the children:


After He died and rose again, Jesus spent time in Jerusalem with His friends. For 40 days, Jesus and His disciples ate together, walked together and talked together


What do you think Jesus wanted His friends to know about Himself? 


Jesus wanted His friends to understand why He had died and come back to life. He wanted them to know that when He rose from the dead, He showed everyone that He is stronger than ANYTHING, even death. Now all people could have their sins forgiven, join God’s family and live forever with Him!


Watch the video:


Activity 2:  DISCUSSION

  • What did Jesus want His disciples to do?
  • What things do you think Jesus’ disciples would have told others about Jesus? (The miracles they saw Him do. The things He taught them.)
  • Why did Jesus think His disciples would be able to do this job? (Jesus promised to be with them. The Holy Spirit would give them power.)
  • What do you think Jesus wants His followers today to do? (Tell others about Jesus.) 

Let’s talk about how we can follow Jesus’ command. Let’s brainstorm some ways that our words or actions could help people know the good news about Jesus. 

As children tell responses (“say ‘Jesus loves you,'” “show God’s love by being kind,” “invite someone to church,” etc.), write ideas on a piece of paper.

Encourage children to pray for these things with their own words. Then, transition into a time of prayer for personal requests.


Worship Songs:

Activity 3: RESPONSE ACTIVITY #1 Witness Bracelets


Our art project can help us tell others about Jesus.  The colors of the bracelet can help us remember what it means to follow Jesus.

Materials Needed:

One strip of leather 16 1/2 inches long by 1/8 inches wide
One each of the following colored pony beads: clear, grey, red, white, blue, green and yellow


  1. String the beads onto the leather strip in the following order: grey, red, white, blue, green, yellow. It is important to have the beads in the correct order as the order tells the Gospel message.
  2. Center the beads on the leather strip and tie a knot on each end of the group of beads. This will help to hold them in place.
  3. Take the clear bead and string one of the leather ends through it. Take the other end of the leather strip and start it into the hole in the bead – entering in the opposite direction. (You will not be able to push it through, but by holding the two strips of leather together on the one end and pulling on the single strand on the other end, it will pull it through.)
  4. Tie a knot on each end of leather. The clear bead will allow you to adjust the bracelet to fit any wrist.

Meaning of the Colored Beads:

Clear – God is invisible, pure and holy (Is 6:3).
Gray – We are separated from God by our sin (Rom 3:23).
Red – Because God loves us, He sacrificed His Son, Jesus, for our sin (Rom 5:8). White – Now God sees us as righteous, pure and forgiven of sin (Eph 1:7-8).
Blue – We are baptized into the family of God through baptism (Gal 3:26-27).
Green – We read the Bible and pray to grow in faith & disciple others (2 Peter 3:18a). Yellow – We will receive the crown of life (Rev 2:10b).

Response Activity #2  Print and Color



When we talk to God, it’s good to know that He gives us the courage and power we need to tell others about Jesus. 


(______________),  May you always remember that God sent His Son, Jesus, to save us from our sins. Jesus went back to heaven but He sent His Holy Spirit to be with us always.


Dear Parents,

Thanks for joining us again as we do Children’s Worship from home!  

Note: Please let us know about how your family is enjoying Children’s Worship! Take some pictures of your family participating in Children’s Worship or share a story. You can post to the Gold Avenue Church Facebook page or send by email at

Happy Easter!

Worldwide News!

Based on: Matthew 26:1—28:10


(It’s not an activity, but just a little background on the story for you, the parent, to read.) 


The story of Jesus’ death and resurrection is the high point in God’s big story of redemption. The amazing events of this first Easter give us the proof that God’s plan to save us is true. Because of Easter, we can know beyond a shadow of a doubt that God loves us. We can be confident in the forgiveness of sin and in the promise that we can live now and forever in the presence of the risen Christ!


Activity One:  Read the intro. Watch the video.

Activity Two: Discuss the story using provided questions as prompts. Prayer.

Worship: Singing 

Activity Three:  Respond to the story by doing the activity. 

Activity Four:  Bless your children 


Activity 1:  STORY

Introduction:To read the children:


Jesus had arrived in Jerusalem to shouts of joy, welcomed like a much-loved king. EVERYONE knew He was in town! And although many people loved Him, most of the religious leaders HATED Him.


Because of their hatred of Jesus, the religious leaders agreed to arrest Jesus and kill Him—but they wanted to be sly about it! With so many people in Jerusalem, arresting Jesus could start a riot, so they had to be careful. Judas, one of Jesus’ own disciples, came to them and offered to bring them to Jesus when there weren’t crowds of people around. The leaders gave him 30 pieces of silver for helping them arrest Jesus. 


On the night Jesus was going to be arrested, He celebrated the Passover meal with His disciples. (Passover was a holiday to remember the way God had rescued His people from slavery in Egypt.) But this Passover was different! First, Jesus used the wine and bread on the table to explain to His friends that He was going to give His own body and His own blood so that their sins could be forgiven.


That same night, Jesus and His friends went to Gethsemane, the garden where they often gathered. Jesus prayed and prayed. What do you think Jesus prayed about? He knew what was coming—and He knew it was going to be painful. But Jesus prayed, “Father, not My will but Your will be done.”


Soon after that, Judas led a crowd of men with swords and clubs into the garden. After Judas greeted Jesus with a kiss, the men arrested Jesus—even though Jesus had done nothing wrong! Immediately, one of Jesus’ disciples took out a sword and cut off a man’s ear. “Put the sword back,” Jesus said. “My Father could send angels to protect Me!” Suddenly, even though Jesus didn’t seem to be afraid, ALL of the disciples were terrified. What do you think the disciples did? They turned and RAN!


Watch video:


Activity 2:  DISCUSSION

  • Why do you think some of the people in Jerusalem first welcomed Jesus but then wanted Him to be killed? (They didn’t believe He was God’s Son.)
  • Why did Jesus have to die? (Jesus never sinned, so He is the only One who could take the punishment for our sins.)
  • What is the most important thing kids your age need to know about God’s plan for Jesus? (God sent Jesus to make a way for us to be part of God’s family forever.)

The story of Jesus’ death and resurrection is the part of God’s big story that we’ve all been waiting for! The amazing events of the first Easter show us that God’s plan to save each and every person is true. What better way for God to prove His love for us than to send His own Son to take the punishment for our sin—and then to raise Him from the dead so that we can live with Him now and forever!

What can you say to God for this great gift?  Let’s pray and thank Him right now!

Encourage children to pray for these things with their own words. Then, transition into a time of prayer for personal requests.


Worship Songs:


Activity 3: RESPONSE ACTIVITY #1 Resurrection Buns


Here is a delicious and fun project to do with small children. 


  • 1 package refrigerated crescent dough
  • 1 bag of large marshmallows
  • ½ cup of butter, melted
  • ¾ cup of white sugar
  • 2 Tablespoons cinnamon


Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.

  1. Grease a muffin tin pan and set aside.
  2. Melt butter in a small bowl.
  3. Mix together the cinnamon and sugar in a separate small bowl.
  4. Unroll the crescent dough and separate into the triangles (along the dough perforations). Explain that the dough represents the tomb that they put Jesus into after his crucifixion.
  5. Next, hold up a white marshmallow and explain that it represents Jesus. Roll the marshmallow in butter and then in the cinnamon and sugar mixture. Explain that it represents the oils and spices that was rubbed on Jesus after his death before they placed him in the tomb.
  6. Place the marshmallow onto a dough triangle near the larger end. Wrap each side of the dough up and over the marshmallow and explain that the dough represents the tomb where they buried Jesus. Roll the dough in your hands until all of the marshmallow is covered and sealed.
  7. Dip the rolled dough in butter and then dip in the cinnamon/sugar mixture and place in the greased muffin tin.
  8. Repeat until all of the dough has been used.
  9. Bake for 15 minutes.
  10. Allow to cool then cut the “tomb” (rolls) down the middle. Before cutting, ask if the kids remember what happened on the third day (or why we celebrate Easter). Remind them that when they went to the tomb where Jesus was buried, the tomb was empty because Jesus rose. Cut through the roll and show the kids how the “tomb” is now empty.

Make sure you get the classic crescent dough that can be separated into triangles.

You may want to place the muffin tin on a cookie sheet before baking in case there is any spillover.


RESPONSE ACTIVITY #2 Paper Plate Empty Tomb

Here’s a simple craft for Easter. I couldn’t find instructions but it looks pretty simple to replicate. Notice the black background in the tomb. You could add an angel or the women for more detail. Use the coloring page to color and cut out the figures, if desired.


Activity 3: RESPONSE ACTIVITY #3 Print and Color 



(______________),  May you always know that Jesus didn’t have to die on the cross. But He made that choice so you can be part of God’s family.


Dear Parents,

Thanks for joining us again as we do Children’s Worship from home!  

Note: Please let us know about how your family is enjoying Children’s Worship! Take some pictures of your family participating in Children’s Worship or share a story. You can post to the Gold Avenue Church Facebook page or send by email at

Today is Palm Sunday and marks the beginning of Holy Week. If you would like to delve into this week in a more in depth way with your children the CRC Curriculum,
DWELL, has a great resource to use. It is attached here:



Here is a fun project to do for Easter. It’s also posted in the Easter Lesson but if you’d like to start early on Easter morning it’s here, too. Also, you may need to pick up some ingredients if you don’t already have them.


1 package refrigerated crescent dough

1 bag of large marshmallows

½ cup of butter, melted

¾ cup of white sugar

2 Tablespoons cinnamon



Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Grease a muffin tin pan and set aside.

Melt butter in a small bowl. Mix together the cinnamon and sugar in a separate small bowl. 

Unroll the crescent dough and separate into the triangles (along the dough perforations). Explain that the dough represents the tomb that they put Jesus into after his crucifixion.

Next, hold up a white marshmallow and explain that it represents Jesus. Roll the marshmallow in butter and then in the cinnamon and sugar mixture. Explain that it represents the oils and spices that were rubbed on Jesus after his death before they placed him in the tomb.

Place the marshmallow onto a dough triangle near the larger end. Wrap each side of the dough up and over the marshmallow and explain that the dough represents the tomb where they buried Jesus. Roll the dough in your hands until all of the marshmallow is covered and sealed.

Dip the rolled dough in butter and then dip in the cinnamon/sugar mixture and place in the greased muffin tin.

Repeat until all of the dough has been used.

Bake for 15 minutes.

Allow to cool then cut the “tomb” (rolls) down the middle. Before cutting, ask if the kids remember what happened on the third day (or why we celebrate Easter). Remind them that when they went to the tomb where Jesus was buried, the tomb was empty because Jesus rose. Cut through the roll and show the kids how the “tomb” is now empty.

Make sure you get the classic crescent dough that can be separated into triangles.

You may want to place the muffin tin on a cookie sheet before baking in case there is any spillover.


May you and your children have a blessed and meaningful Easter!  He is Risen!

The Loudest Parade

Based on: Matthew 21:1-16



(It’s not an activity, but just a little background on the story for you, the parent, to read.) 


As we start to think about how the people in Jerusalem responded to Jesus on the first Palm Sunday, let’s take some time to think about our own responses to Jesus. For me, I know that I asked Him to be my Lord and Savior a long time ago. But what about my everyday responses? And what about yours?


It can be easy to ignore Jesus, especially when things are going well in my life. Other times, I expect Him to answer my prayers according to MY idea of what should happen! But when Jesus rode into Jerusalem, He wasn’t coming to meet the crowd’s expectations, He was coming to do His Father’s will. He was concerned with God’s best, not His own desires. When I put aside my ideas of what should happen in my life and recognize Jesus as my King, my Savior and my God, I respond to Him with praise for His goodness, His love, His wisdom—because He is the great I AM.


When Jesus entered Jerusalem on the Sunday before Passover, He was clearly communicating who He is and why He had come. Riding a donkey showed that He was the King, bringing peace, not war. And He was fulfilling Isaiah’s and Zechariah’s prophecies about the coming of the Messiah, the One God had promised to send to save His people (see Isaiah 62:11; Zechariah 9:9). Jesus has not changed. Jesus is still the King who brings peace and the Savior who forgives our sin.


Debbie Barber

Senior Editor


Activity One:  Read the intro. Watch the video.

Activity Two: Discuss the story using provided questions as prompts. Prayer.

Worship: Singing 

Activity Three:  Respond to the story by doing the activity. 

Activity Four:  Bless your children 


Activity 1:  STORY

Introduction:To read the children:


As Jesus and His friends walked down the road toward Jerusalem for the Passover celebration, Jesus told two of His friends to go ahead of them to the next small town and bring back a donkey with her colt, or baby. So they went and found the donkey and the colt to bring back.


Listen as I read Matthew 21:4-5 to find out why this was so important!   4 This took place to fulfill what was spoken through the prophet: 5 “Say to Daughter Zion, ‘See, your king comes to you, gentle and riding on a donkey, and on a colt, the foal of a donkey.’ ”


These words were written by the prophet Zechariah about 500 years before Jesus was ever born! This donkey was fulfilling something God had said long, long ago. Anyone who knew Zechariah’s words and saw Jesus riding down the road would have immediately thought, Look! It’s the promised KING!


So Jesus’ friends brought the donkey to Jesus. Pulling off their coats, they spread them across the donkey’s back to make a place for Jesus to sit. Jesus got on and began to ride down the dusty road to Jerusalem.  Let’s see what happens!


Watch the video:


Activity 2:  DISCUSSION

  • Why were the people on the road to Jerusalem so excited? (Jesus, the King, was coming to Jerusalem.) 
  • What special words of praise did they say to Jesus?  (Hosanna, Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord.)
  • What did Jesus say when the men told him to tell the people to stop praising Him?  (The rocks would start praising Jesus.)
    • Why was Jesus so sad he began to cry? (The people he came to rescue were missing it. They didn’t want Jesus to save them.)
  • Who welcomed Jesus and praised Him? (The ones who were healed and saw the miracles of Jesus.)
  • Who was unhappy with Jesus? (The ones who would reject him.)

Jesus rode a donkey into Jerusalem to show that He is the King and Savior God had promised to send. He did exactly what prophets in the Old Testament said the promised Savior would do (see Isaiah 62:11; Zechariah 9:9). Jesus hasn’t changed. He is still the Savior who forgives our sin, and He wants us to follow Him as our King.


Some people in our story today were angry with Jesus. They didn’t recognize Jesus as  the true King. And they missed out on knowing and loving Him. But the children and others in Jerusalem who praised Jesus that day recognized that Jesus was the King they had been waiting for. They praised Him and thanked God for sending Him.


Read Psalm 47:1-2 aloud.  1 Clap your hands, all you nations; shout to God with cries of joy. 2 For the Lord Most High is awesome, the great King over all the earth.


 We can all praise and celebrate Jesus because He is the great King over all the earth! When we stop and think about who Jesus really is and how He came to make it possible for us to become part of God’s family, the best response is to follow Him and praise Him.


Let’s take some time to praise and thank Jesus for who He really is and how He made it possible for us to become part of God’s family.


Encourage children to pray for these things with their own words. Then, transition into a time of prayer for personal requests.


Worship Songs:


The people who waved palm branches and shouted at Jesus used the word hosanna. What does that word mean? It is a word used to express adoration, praise, or joy. They were happy and excited to see Jesus coming as a King. ““Hosanna, blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.“”




Activity 3: RESPONSE ACTIVITY #1  Make a paper bag donkey


RESPONSE ACTIVITY #2   Print and Color and or Dot to Dot


Remember that Jesus is our King! We can honor Him in the things we do and say every day. That’s a great way to follow Him! 


(______________),  May you always honor King Jesus by making Jesus the King of your life everyday.