Children’s Worship 11.01.20

Dear Parents,

Thanks for joining us again as we do Children’s Worship from home!  

Note: Please let us know about how your family is enjoying Children’s Worship! Take some pictures of your family participating in Children’s Worship or share a story. You can post to the Gold Avenue Church Facebook page or send by email at


God Listens to Us

Based on: Joshua 10


Activity One:  Read the intro. Watch the video.

Activity Two: Discuss the story using provided questions as prompts.

Worship: Singing 

Activity Three:  Respond to the story by doing the activity. 

Activity Four:  Bless your children 



(It’s not an activity, but just a little background on the story for you, the parent, to read.) 


“Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one” (Deuteronomy 6:4). What an encouragement to know our God is listening; we are called to listen in return. This is one of the most central prayers in Jewish history, otherwise known as the Shema (from the Hebrew word for “hear”). To shema is to hear the cry of one’s heart and be moved to respond. It goes much deeper than listening. It signifies a rich, attentive, and focused listening. In this prayer Israel is urged to heed that God is the one and only. Then, in the following verse, they’re called to respond to this truth by loving the Lord fully in heart, soul, and strength. To shema is to discern and react. Judaism takes this so seriously, in fact, that it’s customary for Jewish men and women to cover their eyes when they recite the Shema. By doing so, they’re ensuring full and utter concentration.


In Joshua 10, we see shema in a new light. As the Israelites battled for the Promised Land, God mightily showed His power, granting them victory time after time. Joshua boldly prayed that the sun would stand still in the sky in order for the battle to continue without ceasing. In verse 14, the Bible declared that God listened to Joshua. He heard and responded by seemingly altering the natural order of the universe in order to give Israel the victory. In this passage, God demonstrated how to shema . God’s actions exemplified what it looks like to not only hear, but to listen. Our God, Yahweh, models the life we are to live.


Activity 1:  STORY


Lead children in a Prayer of Release to pause, be still, and ask the Holy Spirit to quiet their hearts and minds.


Introduction to read to the children: 


God’s people had a new strong leader to follow into the Promised Land. Whom did God choose to be that leader? Children answer. Joshua, that’s right. When the people reached the Jordan River and couldn’t get across, what did God do? That’s right! God parted the water and they were able to walk safely through. When everyone had crossed, Joshua told the people to pile up 12 large rocks. From that time on, when anyone saw those rocks, what were they to remember? That’s right!  They’d be able to remember what God had done for His people.


Joshua loved God very much, and he was a very good listener. When God gave him directions, Joshua did just what God told him to do. Are you good listeners? 


Watch the video:


Activity 2:  DISCUSSION


When Joshua prayed, God listened very carefully. God caused the sun to stand still so the battle could last until the Israelites won. God listens to us today too.


I wonder … What did Joshua ask of God?

I wonder … What did the Israelites think when the sun stayed in the sky?

I wonder … How do I know God is listening to me?


After discussing the Wonder Questions, you’ll have the opportunity to pray with and for each of the children. 


God listens to all of His children! He will listen to us every time we talk to Him. Let’s close our eyes and think about God listening to our prayers, just like He listened to Joshua and kept the sun in the sky. Let’s thank God for listening to our prayers.


Encourage children to respond with their own words if they’d like. Then, transition into a time of prayer for personal requests.


Worship Songs:  







  • Tissue Paper Squares (orange and yellow)
  • Elmer’s Glue
  • CD
  • ribbon (optional)
  • paper plate and Q-tip (optional)



  1. Cut up the tissue paper into 1 inch squares. 
  2. Place a good amount of glue on the paper plate. 
  3. Paint a generous amount of glue onto the CD by using a Q-tip. 
  4. Then lay flat pieces of tissue paper down by overlapping them and creating the “sun rays.” Be sure to turn the tissue paper pieces sideways so that the triangle side points outward, over the edge of the CD. Be sure to cover the hole in the CD also. Completely cover the CD with tissue papers until it looks like a bright, beautiful sun!
  5. Crumble the remaining pieces of tissue paper into little balls. Grab pieces of crumpled tissue paper and glue them to the top of your tissue paper layer on the face of the CD.You could either dip the tip of the tissue paper into the glue and then stick it to the CD or paint the glue directly onto the CD using a Q-tip and then stick the tissue paper pieces onto the CD.
  6. Attach a ribbon and a suction cup to hang in a window for all to see.




Invite children to stand hands open in front of them, arms bent. Share that this is one way to receive blessings.


May God walk beside you, (child’s name),and may you know He listens to you.

May you know that God is with you always.