At Gold Avenue Church, we are continually asking God how He would like us to show love to those around us. Serving others is one way of showing God’s love by reaching out into the neighborhood and beyond. The Deacons at Gold Avenue Church would like to highlight service opportunities within our neighborhood. Many of our neighborhood ministry partners have opportunities that we can be involved with. We have highlighted two below, and will share more as we hear about them. Please ask the Lord if He would have you give of your time or resources to bless those who will be blessed by these ministries.
The Other Way Christmas Store –
We have come a long way in 30 years and have over 160 families registered for the Christmas Store! There’s still time to partner with us and we need your support more than ever as we work together with families in our community for a joyful and meaningful Christmas.
Each December, The Other Way Ministries hosts the Christmas Store, an opportunity for neighborhood parents to purchase affordable gifts for their children.
To stock the store, we depend on YOU to provide new, unopened presents. Christmas Store partners are absolutely vital to the success of this program! Live out of town or unable to bring in gifts? Consider supporting the Christmas Store with a financial donation to support the purchase of these gifts!
– Alyssa Chartier
(Development and Communications Manager)
Click here to make a financial contribution.

For Gift Donations:
Drop-off Day is Friday, December 10 from 9am – 12pm at
The Other Way Activity Center, 704 Fulton St. West.
For further information and gift guidelines can be found
Matthew’s House Needs List –
Please click
here to read Matthew’s House ministry newsletter that describes how we can partner with them.
To give or volunteer, please click on their website
Please let us know if you have any questions. We would love to hear testimonies of your experiences serving with the church to encourage others to do the same!
Your Deacons,
Kelli Boender, Dwayne Felver, Jaci Kerkstra, Derek Sterenberg, Mark Essenburg (Deacon Liaison)
Deacon Contact Information: