Bridge Street Ministries (BSM) is an urban Christian Community Development organization in the West Side of Grand Rapids emphasizing discipleship and youth development.

At the heart of our ministry, is this Christ-centered, high quality, after-school programming to support the academic, spiritual, social/emotional, and community development of urban youth. At the start of the school year, we had a goal of having 30 students registered for the program.  Currently, we have around 60 registered with 30+ in regular attendance!  Each day kids find a beautiful, safe place in our drop in center, and then have the opportunity to engage in a variety of learning labs. This past semester, kids got to learn at the zoo, play baseball with the Grace Christian University baseball team, study the Bible, and learn about money management with Young Money Finances.  Oh, and we opened up a youth café as a drop in center for kids after school.

Recently, while dropping off the kids after Resurgence, one of the girls looked back as she walked away and said “you guys are like my real family!” Bless God for the opportunity to invest in these future leaders. We are currently looking for volunteers that can help with driving and tutoring.  Email if you are interested in helping out.


Each year Grand Rapids Immersion proves to be a transformational experience as we work to connect local youth with local mission. This year we are hosting upwards of 75 students from 6 local churches and ministries for one week this summer. On Immersion we spend two nights camping in the wilderness, helping students connect with God and connect with each other.  Then we come into the city to learn, serve, and celebrate what God is doing in our city. We are excited about what God is going to do this summer through Immersion!


While we have a smaller cohort of students this year, there has been a deep community that has formed, and our Bridge Year students have grown in their understanding of God’s character and his kingdom. It has been so fun watching our Grand Rapids Bridge Year (GRBY) students help lead in our Resurgence program every day. Every day our GRBY students help our kids know that they are loved, welcomed, and valued.

We are currently accepting applications for the 2022-2023 Grand Rapids Bridge Year cohort. If you or a young person that you know would benefit from devoting a year to seeking God and engaging in his mission in the city, e-mail for more information. We would love to have you come for a visit.

Derek Sterenberg
Operations Director
Bridge Street Ministries

Dear Parents,

Thanks for joining us again as we do Children’s Worship from home!  

Note: Please let us know about how your family is enjoying Children’s Worship! Take some pictures of your family participating in Children’s Worship or share a story. You can post to the Gold Avenue Church Facebook page or send by email at

God Shows Us How to Live

Based on: Exodus 19—20



Activity One:  Read the intro. Watch the video.

Activity Two: Discuss the story using provided questions as prompts.

Worship: Singing 

Activity Three:  Respond to the story by doing the activity. 

Activity Four:  Bless your children 



(It’s not an activity, but just a little background on the story for you, the parent, to read.) 


God has always shown us how to live. Once He redeemed Israel from the land of Egypt, God formed the Mosaic covenant between Himself and His people. It began a new era in their history. God continued to fulfill the promises He made to His people through the Abrahamic covenant. But the Mosaic covenant gave the people the means by which they would be able to experience that promised blessing. This covenant established the standards of righteousness for God’s people—His holy nation.


Yahweh was the God of Israel, and the people were in relationship with Him. God gave His people a model for living through the Ten Commandments that enhanced their worship and service to Him. This covenant demanded not only that the Israelites conform to a set of laws, but also that their hearts be oriented toward God. When the people lived out the laws, their lives demonstrated the intimate relationship they shared with God. A holy nation living in worship and service to the Lord acts as a catalyst to bring the nations of the earth into relationship with Him.

The covenant between God and His people at Sinai was a foreshadowing of what was to come. His law was “our guardian until Christ came that we might be justified by faith” (Galatians 3:24). In Him our worship, and our service, are complete. As we follow the Lord, we model for others the relationship it’s possible to have with the Holy God.


Activity 1:  STORY


Lead children in a Prayer of Release to pause, be still, and ask the Holy Spirit to quiet their hearts and minds.


Introduction to read to the children: 

Did you know that God shows us the best way to live? He gave us the Holy Spirit, who is always with us, to remind us of who God is and what He has done. We can talk to God anytime and anywhere. We can pray and read the Bible, God’s Word, so we can learn more about knowing and worshipping Him. God loves us so much! He shows us how to live. In today’s Big God Story we hear how God gave instructions called The Ten Commandments so we know the best way to live and worship God.


Watch the video:

Activity 2:  DISCUSSION


Today in The Big God Story we heard how God came and spoke to His people. God told Moses the Ten Commandments so the Israelites would know the best way to live and how to worship and serve only Him.


I wonder … What did the Israelites think when they were waiting for God to come to them?

I wonder … Would I be scared if I heard the trumpets sound or the thunder and lightning?

I wonder … Who is someone in my life who shows me God’s way to live?


After discussing the Wonder Questions, you’ll have the opportunity to pray with and for each of the children in your group. 


Did God show the Israelites how to live in The Big God Story today? Children respond. Yes, He did! The Israelites praised God for choosing them to be His people. One thing God asks us to do is to worship only one God—Him! Let’s do that right now. Let’s worship God together. I’ll begin. “God, I will worship You; You are the one and only true God!” Encourage children to praise God with their own words. Close as the Holy Spirit directs you. Then continue the worship time with some singing.


Worship Songs:  Three songs about the 10 Commandments. Take your pick!







God gave the 10 Commandments to show us how to live and have a life that’s the best it can be. Let’s make this to remind ourselves how we can live to honor God.


Print and cut out the 10 Commandment foldable. Fold to make an old fashioned cootie-catcher.


If you need directions here’s a Youtube video to watch. 

Fold and have fun reviewing the 10 Commandments.


Read aloud Psalm 25:4: Show me your ways, LORD, teach me your paths.”


Explain that we can bless each other by speaking the following words:


May God show you where to go and teach you the way He wants you to live.


The Gold Avenue Church deacons have been asking the Lord for creative ways to serve our church and neighborhood during this challenging time.  An opportunity recently came through a connection at our local grocery store – Bridge Street Market.  The Market generously offered to let the deacons purchase food vouchers at a reduced price, so that they can be given to those who are in need of assistance with buying food.

To extend the outreach of this great way to serve, the deacons contacted a local ministry partner, Bridge Street Ministries.  Their ministry efforts have shifted recently to helping those who have been hit the hardest by the economic impact of the current crisis.  The deacons donated many of the food vouchers to them so they can be used to help our neighbors.  It’s exciting to see how the Lord gave the guidance and then brought about the opportunities and we anticipate the fruit He will bring through this act of obedience.

The food vouchers can be used to purchase produce or meat.  If you or anyone you know would be blessed to receive help through these vouchers, please contact the deacons through the church office using the contact info below.  Make sure to give your/their contact info and presenting the need.  You can also refer people to the deacons if they’d like to initiate the contact. The Deacon team will receive requests and work with each person/family to ensure that appropriate help is given. What a privilege it is to serve our church family and our neighborhood as the hands and feet of our Lord Jesus!

Church Contact Information:

Web Contact Form



Gold Avenue Church leadership has been noticing a recurring invitation from the Lord over the past few weeks. He seems to be calling us to be still in a time that is filled with uncertainty.  It’s important to pay attention to verses, songs, and themes that continue to come up in prayer and conversations. Often the Lord will speak to us through these consistent pieces and then it is important to ask the Lord to show us how He would have us respond. 


Watch this video from Pastor Gina where she shares about how to quiet yourself in God’s presence, as she reflects on Psalm 46:10, “Be still and know that I am God.”



We pray you will be intentional in letting go of things that interfere with being quiet and still before the Lord. We trust we will all be strengthened and refreshed in His presence.  Enjoy listening to the song “Be Still” by Hillsong Worship.



Hi Church Family from your Deacon Team! We wanted to let you know that despite not being in the church building on Sundays, we are still here and willing to help. Our role in the church is to offer resources to church members and, by extension, to our Gold Avenue Church neighborhood. We’d love to talk with you about how you are doing and to find out if there’s anything we can do to help with any physical needs you might have. 


With the economic downturn and general uncertainty that we are currently living in, we anticipate that there may be more financial struggles than usual. We want you to know that we’re here to help.  There are several ways of getting in contact with us. You can contact the church directly by email or phone (at the end of this post), or you can fill out the form LINKED HERE. In addition, if you have neighbors or people you know of within our community that are struggling, we invite you to refer them to the deacon team using one of the methods of contact. Make sure to include their contact info and as much information as possible.  We ask you to pray and discern if this next step is necessary for anyone, and invite as the Lord leads, as this is a time when we can all be the hands and feet of Jesus to our neighbors. 


In addition, we would like to connect you to a list of resources LINKED HERE. This resource list will be updated as events unfold in the next months for people who live in and around the West Side of Grand Rapids. Any suggestions for what could be added to this can also be sent to the church office using the contact information below. 


FInally, we want you all to know that we are praying for each and every one of you. We are living in strange times, but we are so thankful for the hope of Christ that cannot be taken from us. As well, our work is funded by the Benevolence fund, to which many of you sow into on a regular basis, thank you so much for continuing to express your generosity and helping us care for our brothers and sisters in Christ!


Church Contact Information:



This Prayer Guide Resource is a live document we would like to invite you to utilize. Anything you write is anonymous, unless you give your name. There is no prayer out of line. Shorter, longer, your choice. Share what you want to share. Gold Avenue Church Care Elders and staff are committed to praying for you! We also invite you to pray for one another. If you need someone to talk to, remember that we are available to walk together on this journey. Don’t hesitate to reach out via email or phone.

Have no fear! This morning the care elder team gathered together. As we sought the Lord’s guidance, we were blessed to pray Psalm 23 and Psalm 91 over Gold Avenue Church and the body of Christ.  Praise God, we are held by our Good Shepherd who covers us with his wings!

Psalm 23: The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.
He makes me lie down in green pastures,
he leads me beside quiet waters,
he refreshes my soul… (to continue reading click on the link)

Psalm 91: Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High
will rest in the shadow of the Almighty… (to continue reading click on the link)