Dear Parents,

Thanks for joining us again as we do Children’s Worship from home!  

Note: Please let us know about how your family is enjoying Children’s Worship! Take some pictures of your family participating in Children’s Worship or share a story. You can post to the Gold Avenue Church Facebook page or send by email at

GOD IS LOVE, PART 2: Church in Antioch


Activity One: Do the introduction with your child(ren). Watch the video

Activity Two: Discuss the story using provided questions as prompts

Worship: Singing

Activity Three:  Respond to the story by doing the activity. 

Activity Four:  Bless your children 



(It’s the background on the story for you, the parent, to read, so you can be prepared to answer your family’s questions) 


In the early days following Jesus’ ascension, many people were coming to faith. The gathering of believers was growing, and true community was developing. A young man named Stephen was among seven men appointed by the 12 apostles to serve communities with the distribution of food and supplies to needy widows. As he served, Stephen was filled with God’s grace and power, performing many miracles in His name. When word of this reached some men of the synagogue, they approached Stephen and began to debate with him. Seeing that Stephen would not back down, the leaders seized Stephen and stoned him to death.


Stephen’s death was the first of a great wave of persecution that swept over the church in Jerusalem, and followers of “The Way” scattered throughout Judea and Samaria. These followers preached the Word of God to the Jews. However, some believers went to the city of Antioch and preached the good news of Jesus to the Gentiles. “The Lord’s hand was with them, and a great number of people believed and turned to the Lord” (Acts 11:21).


Antioch enjoyed a prosperous economy due to its strategic location at the crossroads for trade routes south to Palestine and Egypt, east to Persia, and west to the Asia Minor Peninsula. Antioch was ranked the third-greatest city in the Roman Empire, after Rome and Alexandria, with a population of more than 500,000. It was a blend of many cultures, beliefs, and practices. The city, referred to as “Queen of the East,” was also known for its extravagant, wasteful, and reckless behavior.

When the Jerusalem church heard of the growing number of believers in Antioch, they sent Barnabas—a godly and faith-filled man—to visit. During his first stay, Barnabas witnessed the blessing of God upon these believers; many turned and put their faith in the Lord. Barnabas left Antioch long enough to return with Paul—who had once persecuted and killed followers of The Way—and they stayed for a year teaching the Word of God.


It’s from this time of God’s Spirit moving in Antioch that we see the beginning of the Gentile movement: the first Gentile church, the first missionaries, and the first act of generous financial giving for another local church community. It’s here in Antioch that believers were first named Christians (christianous or “little Christs”). What citizens of the city may have intended as a coining in jest, the followers of The Way embraced as a fitting title to describe their new identity.





After Jesus returned to heaven to be with His Father, His disciples were so full of God’s love that they couldn’t help but share it with others. Jesus’ message spread all over the world quickly. Soon there were new churches everywhere. Our lesson today tells how we those new churches helped each other like Jesus helped people while He was on earth. But first, let’s pray and ask God to be the one to teach us. Lead children in a Prayer of Release to pause, be still, and ask the Holy Spirit to quiet their hearts and minds.


Watch video.

Today in The Big God Story, we saw that God is love. We also heard about the church in Antioch and how God’s love helped them to share His love with others. One clarifying note: The video mentioned that the believers fed the hungry and “did everything they could to help the sick people feel better.”  In fact, they healed the sick in Jesus’ name, which is one of the things Jesus said his followers would do. It’s a subtle but important difference.


I wonder … How did the people in Jerusalem feel when the church in Antioch helped them?

I wonder … Who has shown God’s love to me?

I wonder … Whom does God want me to share His love with this week?



After discussing the Wonder Questions, take a moment to pray with your group. God’s love is amazing. He gives so much love to us, and He’s always willing to give us more and more! God fills us with His love so we can share it with others.


One way we can love others is through prayer. Whom do you know who needs God’s love today? Invite children to respond. Wow! It seems like God has put a lot of special people in our lives to share His love with. Let’s take a moment to pray for those people. Invite kids to take turns praying aloud, even as simple as inviting them to pray: “Father, please show (insert name) Your love, and help me share Your love with her too.”

Let’s continue to talk to God as we pray for one another. 

These questions can easily extend into the rest of the week. Look for opportunities to bring conversations about how God Saves into your everyday life as a family.

Worship Song:



Fold a 81/2 x 11 paper like a fan.  Draw a heart shape on one edge starting and ending at the folded edge. Cut out. Open up to the heart chain. You can make more than one and tape them together. Have children brainstorm people to pray for and to show love to as in prayer time above. Write their names on a heart to help remember them.



End this time together with a blessing over your whole family:


(Child’s name): may you remember that God is love. 


May you be filled with God’s love, and may His love pour through you to everyone you know.


At Home Weekly Study Page

This week we are starting to include a page that can be used during the week to prepare for the next lesson!  Please check it out and use it along side your existing family devotions.
At Home Weekly Lesson 11

Dear Parents,

Welcome back and thanks for joining us again as we do Children’s Worship from home!  It’s August already, so we’re back with this resource that we hope blesses you and your family.  We hope that you will use it and that it will spark discussions throughout the week with you and your children, as you raise them up as disciples of Jesus Christ!

Note: Please let us know about how your family is enjoying Children’s Worship! Take some pictures of your family participating in Children’s Worship or share a story. You can post to the Gold Avenue Church Facebook page or send by email at


Activity One: Do the introduction with your child(ren). Watch the video

Activity Two: Discuss the story using provided questions as prompts

Worship: Singing

Activity Three:  Respond to the story by doing the activity. 

Activity Four:  Bless your children 



(It’s not an activity, but just a little background on the story for you, the parent, to read.) 

In Acts 9, after Christ met Paul on the road to Damascus, Paul found himself blinded for three days. He spent these days fasting and in prayer, meditating on what he had seen and heard. This sort of consequence would have had major significance to a man like Paul. However, in a strange way, this was actually God’s way of blessing Paul.

As we know, Paul was a Pharisee. Pharisees were the strictest, most-devout religious leaders. They rigidly followed several hundred laws. In fact, they even created “hedge” laws that protected them from ever stumbling into sin. Their legalism distanced them from the poor, the sick, and the lower classes. Ironically, blindness had huge social repercussions in the first century, especially to the Israelites. The Jews believed that most illnesses and deformities were the result of a sinful life. A Pharisee could not be blind; it would register him as unclean. Clearly, after this incident, Paul couldn’t simply go back to his old life. His physical impediment would not allow him to. But it was his conversion to Christ, far more than his blindness, that kept him from returning to his former life. Therefore he was forced to wait, pray, and think about what had happened.

Ironically, rabbis called themselves “a guide to the blind.” There is no doubt that physical blindness would have drawn this to Paul’s mind. God knew that Paul’s heart had been hardened to His voice. Creating blindness in Paul created an opportunity for Paul to draw near to God once again.

Paul’s entire identity was transformed. In everything that Paul did, he was an obedient servant of God. He went on to spread the good news to thousands of Gentiles. He encouraged them and helped their churches flourish. He was so transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit that it affected every facet of his life. God’s love changed (and still changes) everything.


Activity 1: STORY


Intro: People change in some ways as they get older, don’t they? Most people get taller, and they look older. They also learn more and more and get smarter! No one is exactly the same as they were when they were younger. Today we’re going to hear about a man who was changed by God’s love.

Watch video.


In this part of The Big God Story, we heard about a man named Paul who wanted to stop the disciples from talking about Jesus. But God is love, and His love changed Paul’s life.

I wonder … How did Paul feel when Jesus was speaking to him on the road?

I wonder … What does God want to say to me today?

I wonder … How does God want to change me with His love?


After discussing the Wonder Questions, you’ll have the opportunity to pray with and for each of the children in your group. God is love, and His love changed Paul’s life. After Jesus appeared to Paul, he went out and served God by telling others about God’s love. Let’s take some time to talk to God. Let’s praise Him for His love, and let’s ask Him to help us show His love to others. “God, I thank You for Your love. Please help me show Your love to others so they can be changed too.” Allow children time to participate. Encourage them to speak their own words or repeat the words you offered. Close as the Holy Spirit directs you.


These questions can easily extend into the rest of the week. Look for opportunities to bring conversations about how God Saves into your everyday life as a family.

Worship Songs:




(Child’s name): may you remember that God is love. 


End this time together with a blessing over your whole family:

God is love, and He loves you very much. May you remember to love others as God has loved you.


Have a blessed week and we’ll see you back here next Sunday!

Dear Parents,

Thanks for joining us again as we do Children’s Worship from home!  Today we learn that as the disciples now had God’s Spirit in their lives, they wanted to share Jesus’ love with everyone they met. The good news of Jesus spread quickly! This time we’re going to hear about the healing of the lame man.

Note: Please let us know about how your family is enjoying Children’s Worship! Take some pictures of your family participating in Children’s Worship or share a story. You can post to the Gold Avenue Church Facebook page or send by email at


Activity One: Do the introduction with your child(ren). Watch the video

Activity Two: Discuss the story using provided questions as prompts

Worship: Singing

Activity Three:  Respond to the story by doing the activity. 

Activity Four:  Bless your children 


(It’s not an activity, but just a little background on the story for you, the parent, to read.)

There are times in Scripture when God chooses to display His mighty power. He intentionally makes Himself known and draws people to Him. We see this clearly in the early days of the church when at Pentecost, the followers of Christ received the Holy Spirit. As they experienced God’s power within them, they did miracles in the name of Jesus. This new power is demonstrated in the miracle of Acts 3.


As Peter and John were walking into the temple, their eyes were diverted toward a crippled man begging for money. This man wouldn’t have been unfamiliar to them. As the Bible puts it, he was there “every day to beg from those going into the temple courts” (verse 2). The disciples must have walked past this man hundreds of times. However, this day was different: The Holy Spirit was prompting them. When Peter healed him in the name of Jesus, the man began leaping and praising God. The word “leaping” used in verse 8 is the Greek word hallomai . This word is rarely used in the Septuagint, or Greek Old Testament. Its use in Acts alludes to a messianic passage in Isaiah 35:


Strengthen the feeble hands, steady the knees that give way;

say to those with fearful hearts,

“Be strong, do not fear; your God will come,

he will come with vengeance; with divine retribution

he will come to save you.”

Then will the eyes of the blind be opened and the ears of the deaf unstopped.

Then will the lame leap like a deer, and the mute tongue shout for joy.

Water will gush forth in the wilderness and streams in the desert. (verses 3–6)


The use of rare words is significant in Jewish texts, bringing to mind the passage in Scripture where the word is first found. The author of Acts was intentional with the language and words he chose. By employing hallomai , he was cuing the audience to something major: God’s kingdom was at hand. The messianic age they had longed for was being previewed for them—right before their eyes. The prophet Isaiah was speaking of the coming messianic age: a promise established in the birth, death, and resurrection of Jesus that will find fulfillment in His second coming.


Today, as we wait expectantly for Christ’s second coming, we’re also watching God’s kingdom unfold. By the guiding of the Holy Spirit, we play a part in the story. We can watch the Spirit’s power change everything.

Activity 1: STORY

Parents: here is an introduction to the video you can read to your children then do the activity. You will need bean bags or a substitute like cans of vegetables.

After Jesus died on the cross and came back to life, He spent more time with His disciples and then returned to heaven. But Jesus didn’t leave His disciples alone. He sent the Spirit of God—the Holy Spirit—to live in anyone who believed in Him. The disciples now had God’s Spirit in their lives, and they wanted to share about Jesus’ love with everyone they met. The good news of Jesus spread quickly! Today we’re going to hear more about God’s Spirit. But first, let’s take a moment to pray and ask God to teach us. Lead children in a Prayer of Release to pause, be still, and ask the Holy Spirit to quiet their hearts and minds.


God’s Spirit is also in us, His followers today, and helps us do things we think are impossible. Bring out the bean bags or cans of vegetables. Invite a child to come hold both hands cupped together, with arms straight ahead. Begin to pile bean bags or cans into her hands. Eventually, they will be too heavy to keep her arms raised at the same level.  It might seem difficult to continue holding these for a long time, right? When she struggles, help her lift them. It was hard to lift this yourself for too long, but with my help, it was a lot easier. Just like my help changed your ability to hold the bean bags longer, God’s power changes everything!


On that day, God’s Spirit wanted Peter to help the paralyzed man and to show him God’s love. Peter couldn’t have healed the man on his own, but because the Holy Spirit of God was living inside Peter, he was able to do amazing things.


God’s Spirit is very powerful, and His power changes everything. There’s nothing God can’t do. When we choose to follow Jesus, His Spirit lives in each of us. That means God wants to use each one of us to share His love with the world in big, amazing ways. We can pray and ask God for His strength in every situation, and trust that He has the power to change things.

Watch video.

Activity 2: DISCUSSION

In The Big God Story today, Peter met a man who couldn’t walk. Because Peter trusted in God, God used Peter to heal the man’s legs. God’s Spirit is powerful!

I wonder. . . how do you think Peter felt when he saw the crippled man?

I wonder. . . how did the crippled man feel when God’s power healed his legs?

I wonder. . . how have you seen God’s power? 

These questions can easily extend into the rest of the week. Look for opportunities to bring conversations about how God Saves into your everyday life as a family.

Worship Songs:


Option #1


Activity page printed out 

Coloring utensils


1 brad per page

Scotch tape


Print one healed man template for each child and color as desired. Cut them out. (Just cut generally around the figure – no need to cut on the lines.)  Cut the man into two pieces at the bottom of the belt. Place the top of the belt over the bottom piece enough to be able to stick a brad through. You may want to reinforce where the brad will be placed with a small piece of tape (the tape in the picture is colored green.). Once together you can show how the man could stand up and walk and leap and praise God!

Option #2


This would be a fun story to act out as a family.  A few props might be nice: head coverings or headbands, robes, a blanket for lame man, etc. Choose your characters: Peter, John, lame man, crowd. Read directly from the Bible in Acts 3 and act out the story as read.




Encourage children to pause for a moment and ask God whom they might know who needs His Spirit’s power. Maybe it’s a family member, a neighbor, a friend, or even themselves. Give them a moment to sit and listen for God’s voice. Encourage them to use this week to show that person special attention and love, and even pray for her.


Then, give an individual blessing to each child. Ask him whom he wants to pray for this week. Then pray:

Child’s name , may you know God’s love, and that His Spirit lives within you. May you trust His Spirit as you care for (friend’s name) this week.

After each child has been blessed, gather everyone together for a final blessing. Encourage children to actively participate by following the motions as you lead.

May God’s strength amaze you this week. (Flex arms and pose like bodybuilder.)

May you find yourself jumping (jump),

celebrating (wave hands in air and cheer),

and praising God for the ways His love is working in your life. (Clasp hands together as if praying.)

Lastly please read this special note about July:

Children’s Worship July Break

We have been delighted to continue having Children’s Worship for our families these last months, despite the limitations of not actually being able to physically gather! What a joy it has been to be able to continue to grow in the Lord and in love for each other through fun lessons and videos!


Over the last several years, Children’s Worship has taken the month of July off to allow for both leaders and children to rest and “reset”. We will be doing that again this year, so for the month of July, there won’t be any new Children’s Worship lessons on the blog. Following are some resources that you are invited to use as you continue to learn and grow with your families.  Please do check them out and make sure to familiarize yourself with them so you are prepared to share with your family. – Videos, lessons, activities, etc – Very good interactive lessons – Highly recommended Children’s Bible – Lessons Through the Whole Bible


Special thanks to all those who have been working hard behind the scenes to make these lessons each week! Many have helped with getting the lessons from our curriculum to the blog, creating videos, adding activities, and more.  We are so grateful for their service and for the blessing that these lessons have been to our families during this time.  We are looking forward to serving you again soon, have a wonderful summer!


Mark Essenburg and the Children’s Worship Team

Dear Parents,

Thanks for joining us again as we do Children’s Worship from home!  Today we are reminded that as Gods’ children we’re a part of a bigger family: God’s family! God wants everyone to be part of His family. When we choose to trust and obey Jesus, we become part of God’s family. The video today shows an overview of the entire gospel message. This is a great opportunity to discern and pray about sharing an invitation for your child to believe in Jesus. 


Please let us know about how your family is enjoying Children’s Worship! Take some pictures of your family participating in Children’s Worship or share a story. You can post to the Gold Avenue Church Facebook page or send by email at




Activity One: Watch the video

Activity Two: Discuss the story using provided questions as prompts

Worship: Sing 

Activity Three:  Respond to the story by doing the activity(s). Pray together.

Activity Four:  Bless your children 


Offers perspective and context to the lesson’s Bible passage

Throughout The Big God Story, God entered into covenants with mankind in order to establish relationships with people and to reveal His plans for dealing with humanity’s sin by sending a Redeemer. The four main (redemptive) covenants are the Abrahamic (Genesis 12; 13; 15; 17; 18; 22), Mosaic (Leviticus 26), Davidic (2 Samuel 7; 1 Chronicles 17), and New Covenants (Luke 22:18–20; Revelation 21:1–7).

In the Abrahamic Covenant, God promised blessing to the world (the promise of a Redeemer) and chose Israel to be the channel of that blessing. God then gave the terms by which His people, Israel, would be able to experience that blessing: through obedience to the Mosaic Covenant. Later, God clarified this initial promise made to Abraham by giving the Davidic Covenant. The Davidic Covenant gave people a better, fuller understanding of what the coming king (Messiah) would be like.

Through the prophets, God promised a New Covenant that would once and for all take care of the problem of sin. Through the New Covenant, God would enable His people to obey His Law through the inner promptings of the indwelling Holy Spirit.

When Jesus died on the cross and rose from the dead, this marked the climax of The Big God Story. The cross is the embodiment of the blessing God promised to Israel—to bless them and to bless the world through them. Jesus is the promise. He is the promise God gave to Adam and Eve in the garden (Genesis 3:15). He is the promise God gave to Abraham and the prophets through the covenants. When we proclaim, “Jesus is alive,” we are seeing the fulfillment of thousands of years of promise.

Activity 1: STORY  

Activity 2: DISCUSSION

Today we heard how Jesus died for us and rose from the grave! He is alive! Because of Jesus, we get to be with God forever and ever. He wants us to be a part of The Big God Story.


  • I wonder … What are some of the parts of God’s Story that we heard today? Can you remember any of them in order?
  • I wonder … What would it have been like to be waiting and waiting for Jesus to come?
  • I wonder … How does it feel to know that God made this whole plan so I can know Him and be with Him?


Worship Songs: 




  • Scrap paper (various colors and textures)
  • Basket or bin
  • Optional: drop cloth (or bed sheet), masking tape

We’re going to celebrate something today. Can anyone guess what it is? Allow children to share ideas. Good thoughts! We’ll have to wait and see why we’re celebrating. But right now, let’s start by making some confetti. It’s made of small pieces of paper. We’ll use the confetti a bit later as we celebrate together!

Explain that children can tear the paper any way they like, but they should be fairly small pieces. The confetti should be placed in your basket or bin. While children work, take this opportunity to connect with them through conversation. 

Today in The Big God Story we heard that Jesus died for us, but He came back to life! Because of Jesus, we can be with God forever and ever. He wants us to be part of The Big God Story.How do you feel when you hear that Jesus is alive? How do you feel when you hear that He made the way for you to be with God forever and ever? Interact with kids and their responses.

As part of celebrating that Jesus is alive, kids will have the chance to dance, sing, and make a mess. Today we heard how Jesus died, rose from the grave, and came back to life. Jesus is alive! That sure makes me happy! How about you? Now that we’re done making our confetti, let’s use it to celebrate! Now is our chance to celebrate that Jesus is alive! Turn on some fun praise music, throw confetti, jump and dance to the music, and praise God that he is alive and wants them to be a part of his Story!




(Child’s name), may you always remember that you’re deeply loved by the God who was, and is, and is to come. He will live forever!

Then close your time by speaking the following blessing over the children as a group.

Children, Jesus lives! He will be alive forever and He gives us life!


Dear Parents,

Thanks for joining us again as we do Children’s Worship from home!  Today we are reminded that as Gods’ children we’re a part of a bigger family: God’s family! God wants everyone to be part of His family. When we choose to trust and obey Jesus, we become part of God’s family. Today, we’ll hear the story (from the Sissons!) of how Jesus called Zacchaeus to be a part of his family!


Please let us know about how your family is enjoying Children’s Worship! Take some pictures of your family participating in Children’s Worship or share a story. You can post to the Gold Avenue Church Facebook page or send by email at




Activity One: Watch the video(s)

Activity Two: Discuss the story using provided questions as prompts

Worship: Sing 

Activity Three:  Respond to the story by doing the activity(s). Pray together.

Activity Four:  Bless your children 


Offers perspective and context to the lesson’s Bible passage

In Luke 19, a tax collector and notorious sinner named Zacchaeus fought the crowds to see Jesus. He found something so compelling about Christ that he sprinted ahead of the crowd, climbed a tree, and watched as Jesus passed. Some scholars have surmised that first-century men found it improper to run. Such an activity was considered highly inappropriate and even scandalous, since it was viewed as childlike. One might conclude that climbing trees would also be socially unacceptable. Zacchaeus broke these social parameters to see Jesus. There was no guarantee Zacchaeus would have any interaction with Jesus or that he’d witness something miraculous. Yet he was willing to potentially humiliate himself to get a brief glimpse of Jesus. That sort of faith caught Jesus’ eye.

Jesus turned to the crowd and said, “For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost” (Luke 19:10). In Christianity, to be “saved” is usually used in reference to our salvation—a life where we are freed from the penalty of sin and given a new life with Christ now, as well as after death. However, it’s interesting to note the depth behind this passage. The word “save” in verse 10 is the Greek word sõzõ . This word can mean to rescue someone from danger, destruction, or even illness. Jesus came to find those who were broken inside and make them well.

Zacchaeus was on a path toward destruction, and the crowd was displeased that Jesus chose to stay with someone with such a miserable reputation. Tax collectors were known as notoriously greedy, corrupt thieves. They often collected fines above what the government required, pocketing the profits for themselves. Others viewed him as a traitor to his nation, which kept him from being in community with them. Therefore, Zacchaeus’s love for material things probably consumed his life. Yet, when Jesus showed Zacchaeus God’s true, unconditional love, his whole life was changed. The power of God’s love healed his very soul.

Activity 1: STORY  

Watch the video about Zacchaeus:

Activity 2: DISCUSSION

Today we heard in The Big God Story about Zacchaeus and how much he wanted to see Jesus. Jesus saw into his heart and provided the way for him to be part of God’s family.

I wonder … What would it be like to have Jesus come to my house?

I wonder … Was it easy for Zacchaeus to give his things away?

I wonder … Who can be part of God’s family?

Worship Songs: 


God wants everyone to be part of His family. God loves us so much, and He wants us to be with Him forever. Isn’t that exciting? We can be part of God’s family! Let’s take a minute to praise God for wanting us to be part of His family.

What would you like to tell God as we praise Him? You can say whatever you feel like. God just wants to hear what’s on your heart, because you’re His child. I’ll start. “Dear God, I praise You for (insert personal response).” Encourage children to respond with their own words. You can also work on this “Zacchaeus in a Tree” project while you talk.

(Optional) Reverse Musical Chairs

This game will serve as a fun illustration that God wants everyone to be part of His family—not just a select few.



  • Upbeat worship music 


Place two chairs in the center of the room. Have others ready to add.


Encourage children to form a circle around the two chairs. Let’s play a game that’s like Musical Chairs, but with a twist! Instead of taking chairs away, we’re going to add chairs, because there’s always room for someone else in God’s big family.

Cue the music to play and have children walk in a circle around the two chairs. When the music stops, two people will sit in the chairs. Each round, add another chair until all children have a seat—with a chair to spare. When everyone has a seat (plus one), talk with children about the experience. Wow! At first there weren’t enough chairs for everyone. If you didn’t get a chair at first, how did you feel? As we added chairs and you got a seat, how did that feel? Now that we all have a chair, whom do you think the extra chair is for?



Jesus loves you so much, and just like Zacchaeus, Jesus wants to spend time with you. Do you remember what He said to Zacchaeus? Jesus told Zacchaeus to get down from the tree, because He wanted to go to Zacchaeus’s house. Now, we aren’t actually up in trees, but Jesus’s invitation is still the same: Come spend time with Him … come join the family of God. 

(Child’s name), Jesus loves you, He wants to spend time with you, and He wants you to be part of His family. 

As you leave here, may you know how truly wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and may you share that love with others.


Dear Parents,

Thanks for joining us again as we do Children’s Worship from home!  Today we are reminded that as Gods’ children we’re a part of a bigger family: God’s family! God wants everyone to be part of His family. When we choose to trust and obey Jesus, we become part of God’s family.


Please let us know about how your family is enjoying Children’s Worship! Take some pictures of your family participating in Children’s Worship or share a story. You can post to the Gold Avenue Church Facebook page or send by email at




Activity One: Watch the video(s)

Activity Two: Discuss the story using provided questions as prompts

Worship: Sing 

Activity Three:  Respond to the story by doing the activity(s). Pray together.

Activity Four:  Bless your children 


Offers perspective and context to the lesson’s Bible passage

“Now the tax collectors and sinners were all gathering around to hear Jesus. But the Pharisees and the teachers of the law muttered, ‘This man welcomes sinners and eats with them'” (Luke 15:1–2). To really understand the significance of Jesus’ message in the parables of the lost sheep, coin, and son, it’s helpful to take a look at the social and religious climate of the time. The Jewish leaders looked disapprovingly on tax collectors, Gentiles, and “sinners” as morally and religiously impure. They didn’t pursue relationship with these marginalized people, nor did they attempt to introduce them to God. They were considered lost. The fact that Jesus welcomed such people into His circle and shared meals with them was unheard of and quite uncomfortable to the Pharisees and teachers.

God chose the descendants of Abraham to take the message of who He is to the entire world. It was to be through the example of their relationship with God that other nations would be able to know the one true God. They were blessed to be a blessing to all people. Instead, over time this message was hoarded and kept within the Jewish community—excluding all who fell outside the law.

Jesus rebuked the judgmental mutterings of the Pharisees and teachers by telling three different parables with one central point: God rejoices when the lost are found (and so the Pharisees should too). Every person who isn’t in relationship with God is lost. Every person who is lost matters to God, and He invites the restoration of relationship with Him. God wants everyone to be part of His family.


Activity 1: STORY  

The Three Lost Things. 

Intro Video:

Lost Sheep and Lost Son: 


Activity 2: DISCUSSION

From The Big God Story today, we heard three stories that Jesus told. They each were about things of great value that were lost but then found. There was a big celebration when the lost things were found. God loves each person He made and wants everyone to be part of His family.


I wonder . .  What were the three lost things?

I wonder … How do I feel when I lose something?

I wonder … How does God feel when one of His children is lost?

I wonder … What does God do or say when He celebrates that one of His children is found?

Worship Songs: 


Option 1:   Playdough Lost items 

Supplies: Playdough

Give each child a lump of play dough. Have the kids make items related to the Bible story: a sheep, a coin, or a son. As kids work, allow them to retell the parable for the object they chose to shape. Remind kids that Jesus told these parables to teach about Himself. He gave up His own life to save people from sin. Say, “What does it mean to be lost? Being lost means not knowing Jesus as Lord and Savior

Option 2:  Make a sheep mask


Paper Plates

Cotton Balls

Glue or glue sticks



Directions: Cut the middle out of a paper plate, glue cotton balls around the outside. Use the middle part to make ears and glue them on. Use the mask when you sing this song to the tune of Jesus Loves Me. You may want to reinforce the paper plate with a piece of cardboard or another cut out paper plate if it gets heavy with cotton balls.


I am Jesus’ little lamb,

Happy all day long I am

I am His and He is mine,

For I am His little lamb.


Yes, Jesus loves me,

Yes, Jesus loves me,

Yes, Jesus loves me,

The Bible tells me so.


Option 3: Pin the Tail on the Sheep


Large paper with a drawing of a sheep on it. Mark where the tail is supposed to go with an X.  Tape the drawing to a wall within reach of children.

Cotton balls (1 per child)

Glue dots  1 per child)

Optional: blindfold


Give each child a chance to try to place the sheep’s tail on the sheep. Whoever places the tail the closest to the X is the winner. Have the child close his/her eyes and try to place the tail, using a blindfold as necessary. For an additional challenge, consider gently spinning each child in a circle three times to confuse his sense of direction. Encourage the group to help cheer on each child, giving him hints if he’s getting colder (farther away) or warmer (closer). Continue this game until everyone has had a turn.




Begin by reading this verse from 1 John 3:1a over them: “See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!”


(“Child’s name”), “may you know you’re God’s child. May you know you’re loved by Him, and there is nowhere that His love can’t reach you.”


Dear Parents,

Thanks for joining us again as we do Children’s Worship from home!  Today we are reminded that God wants us to give generously as did the widow who gave the last of her money.  God is generous to us and has given us many things like money, talents, abilities, and most of all salvation, so we can be a blessing to others.

Please let us know about how you and your family are enjoying Children’s Worship! Take some pictures of your family participating in Children’s Worship or share a story. You can post to the Gold Avenue Church Facebook page or send by email at



Activity One: Watch the video. 

Activity Two: Discuss the story using provided questions as prompts

Worship: Sing 

Activity Three:  Respond to the story by doing the activity(s). Pray together.

Activity Four:  Bless your children 


(It’s not an activity, but just a little background on the story for you, the parent, to read.)

The Lord speaks through numerous verses on tithing and offering in both the Old and New Testaments. In the Old Testament, the people requested what amount they were to give as a portion of the first fruits. The tithe, or tenth, was established as a percentage the people were to offer to the Lord. This tenth was to be the first 10 percent of all income—including harvest, cattle, the selling of property, and wages earned for each day’s work. There were three different “tenths” the people were to give—two were yearly and one was every three years. This tenth was then broken down and distributed among the priests and Levites, the treasury, and the poor. God commanded kindness and generosity in the treatment of the priests and Levites, for they would not inherit wealth from the acquiring and selling of land. As for those who were from foreign lands, or already inhabiting the land in which His people were to dwell, God directed His people to care for the strangers with kindness. To anyone who asked for help, the people were commanded by God to offer what was asked for or needed. If the people asking were refused, the Lord counted it as sin against those who declined to help.


Although a tithe, or tenth, is not mentioned in the New Testament, the offerings of first fruits and generosity continue. In Luke 21:1–4, Jesus talks about the heart of giving to the Lord when He compares the offerings of the wealthy and the widow who had little financially. To give generously is not a request from the Lord, but a command. For if God is the provider, then as His people we are freed to give generously to others, knowing that He is generous to us. Giving is a matter of the heart between God and His children. “Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver” (2 Corinthians 9:7).

Activity 1: STORY  

Watch video #1: Introductory video

Watch video #2:  Bible Story


Activity 2: DISCUSSION

Today in The Big God Story, Jesus was in the temple while people were giving their offerings. Jesus was pleased at the offering of the widow because even though she was poor, she gave everything she had. She gave generously to God. God is generous to us so that we too can be generous to others.

I wonder … How did the widow feel after she gave her offering of two coins?

I wonder … How has God been generous to me?

I wonder … What can I give to God?

These questions can easily extend into the rest of the week. Look for opportunities to bring conversations about how God Saves into your everyday life as a family.

Worship Song(s): 

Here’s another song by Steve Green from his “Hide “Em in Your Heart, Vol.1) CD.  (Just a note from Mrs. Sharon: If you can find it, it’s a great way for kids to memorize Scripture. And the songs are really fun. There is a DVD of it, also. You can borrow CDs for a while if you’d like.)




#1 Activity Sheet/Coin Rubbings

Directions:  Find the hidden items in the picture, then color the picture. For more fun gather some different size coins and crayons and do some coin rubbings in the margin of the paper.

#2 Optional Game:  Give It Away


  • Satchel or pouch (small)
  • Coins (handful)
  • Timer or game buzzer

Set Up:  Place coins inside satchel or pouch.


God is generous and has given us so much! We can give too. We can use our money, our gifts, our time—everything in our lives to care for the people and things around us. God’s generosity spurs us toward generous giving. In this game, children will need to give away what they’ve received as fast as they can!


Gather children together and sit in a circle on the floor. Today in The Big God Story, we heard about what it means to be a generous giver—to share and give what we’ve been given with others. Now we’re going to play a game that’s like Hot Potato. You’ll try to give away what you’ve been given as quickly as possible. Once you receive the pouch of money, pass it along as fast as you can so it gets into someone else’s hands before the timer goes off.


To start the game, we’ll pass the pouch around the circle from person to person as quickly as possible. When you hear the timer or game buzzer, you must stop. Whoever has the coins in his hands when the buzzer sounds will be out for the rest of the round. (Or, just continue without letting anyone sit out.) We’ll continue until there’s only one person left. Encourage children who’ve been eliminated to cheer for the children who are remaining. Repeat the game as time allows.




God has been generous to us so we can be generous to others. As a family, bless each other. Encourage your kids to speak blessing words over you or each other as you do the same for them. 


(Person’s name) may you know and experience God’s love this week as you look for ways to give generously and love others, just as God has loved you.

Thank you for joining us for Children’s Worship today, we hope you enjoyed it and we’ll see you next week!

Dear Parents,

Thanks for joining us again as we do Children’s Worship from home!  Today we are reminded about how Jesus taught us to pray. One of our teachers, Kelli Boender, reads us a story about the Lord’s Prayer!

Note: Please let us know about how your family is enjoying Children’s Worship! Take some pictures of your family participating in Children’s Worship or share a story. You can post to the Gold Avenue Church Facebook page or send by email at



Activity One: Watch the video

Activity Two: Discuss the story using provided questions as prompts


Activity Three:  Respond to the story by doing the “Praying Hands” activity. Pray together.

Activity Four:  Bless your children 


(It’s not an activity, but just a little background on the story for you, the parent, to read.)

Before looking at the account of the Lord’s Prayer in Matthew chapter 6, we find in the preceding chapter Jesus teaching His disciples through the Beatitudes. He teaches them by laying out the foundation of the kingdom of God—contrasting it with the kingdom of this world. Jesus’ statements beginning with, “You have heard it said …” and ending with, “But I tell you …” paint the picture of what is required of all who choose to be in God’s kingdom.

“Lord, teach us to pray …” (Luke 11:1–13). Jesus answered this request by teaching the disciples—and us—how to pray. He begins to frame and model prayer for us by establishing how we’re to approach God the Father: “Our Father in heaven …” (Matthew 6:9). The word Jesus uses for Father in Aramaic is the informal word Abba —translated to mean “daddy.” “Hallowed be your name” establishes who God is and retains the authority of the I AM. “Your kingdom come, your will be done …” (verse 10). We’re to ask our heavenly Father to usher in His coming kingdom—which Jesus had just outlined with the Beatitudes. When we pray for His coming kingdom, our hearts can begin to desire the things that are important to Him—and get to know the heart of our Daddy. “Give us today our daily bread …” (verse 11). The Father cares for our needs, for He is our provider and will give us what we need in each day. “Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors” (verse 12). Jesus offers us forgiveness of sins. For as we’ve been forgiven, by the same measure we must forgive others who hurt or sin against us—in forgiveness is freedom. “Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one” (verse 13). As we journey through this world, we’ll be face to face with decisions that will affect our lives, and often, the lives of others. We need the guidance and covering of the Lord to go before us.

Jesus is the way to the kingdom of God. He came to fulfill the law, and His words bring hope. In light of this truth, as we pray, we can pray expectantly as we ask God to usher the ways of His kingdom into this world and our lives.

Activity 1: STORY

Watch video.

Activity 2: DISCUSSION

Today in The Big God Story, Jesus teaches us about praying to God His Father. No matter where we are, or what we’re doing, we can always talk with God. God loves us and He wants us to talk with Him.

I wonder … What did the disciples talk with God about?

I wonder … What do I want to talk with God about?

I wonder … How does it feel to know God always listens to me?

These questions can easily extend into the rest of the week. Look for opportunities to bring conversations about how God Saves into your everyday life as a family.

Worship Songs:

All three of these are Lord’s Prayer songs. Feel free to listen to them and pick one that your kids would like! You may even consider trying to memorize it as a family, so we picked ones that all have the exact words of the prayer to help!



And here is a children’s worship favorite (especially the motions!)


“Praying Hands”




  • Scissors
  • Card stock (1 sheet per child)
  • Yarn (2′ per child)
  • Tape
  • Clothespins (1 per child)
  • Hole punch


Prepare Ahead

Print one Praying Hands template for each child and cut them out. Punch holes where indicated around the edge of the hands. Cut the yarn into two-foot lengths, and place tape around the end of one side of the yarn to make threading through the holes easier. Tie the non-taped end to one of the holes on the hands so children will have a starting point when threading the string through the other holes.


When Jesus taught His friends to pray to God, He explained that they could pray to Him about everything. God listens. Let’s take a moment to think about different things in our own lives that we can talk with God about. Pause for a moment. Hand our hand template. You can use the yarn to thread or weave through the holes. As you work your yarn through the holes in the hands, you may want to think about what we’ve learned about talking to God from The Big God Story today.

As the children weave, continue the conversation about prayer. God wants us to talk with Him. Does that surprise you? What would you like to talk with God about? What do you usually talk with God about? Are there hard things to talk with God about? When they finish threading, hang them up. Take some time and talk to God on your own, then feel free to hang yours also. We’ll leave our hands up to remind us that God listens when we talk to Him.


Share the following words from Philippians 4:6: Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

As a family, bless each other. Encourage your kids to speak blessing words over you or each other as you do the same for them. 

(Child’s name , may you remember that God wants to hear from you this week.

End this time together with a blessing over your whole family:

May you know that God listens to you. May you remember to talk with Him about everything.


Dear Parents,

Thanks for joining us again as we do Children’s Worship from home!  Today we are reminded with our children of how God is near. He is with us wherever we go. Even when we don’t realize it, Jesus is always near to His friends, because He is God. All we have to do is trust Him. 

Please let us know about how your family is enjoying Children’s Worship! Take some pictures of your family participating in Children’s Worship or share a story. You can post to the Gold Avenue Church Facebook page or send by email at


Activity One: Watch the video. This video is provided by the Sisson family.

Activity Two: Discuss the story using provided questions as prompts


Activity Three:  Respond to the story by doing an art or serve project. Pray together.

Activity Four:  Bless your children 


(It’s not an activity, but just a little background on the story for you, the parent, to read.)

In today’s passage, Scripture tells us it was not until the fourth watch of the night that Jesus met His disciples out on the water. We know from the account in the gospels that the men had been fighting against wind and waves for quite some time. Judging from when Jesus sent them out and when He came to them, they had been on the sea for anywhere from eight to twelve hours. We can be sure these men were exhausted.

When they saw Jesus, He was walking on the water. They cried out, “It’s a ghost!” They may have feared losing their lives out on the sea. It was a common belief at the time that people saw ghosts as they were approaching their own death.


Jesus called out to them, “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid” (Matthew 14:27). Peter responded to Him asking for proof. “If it’s you, let me come to you on the water.” “Come,” Jesus answered. And Peter went.


Peter walked out to meet Him, but he took his eyes off Jesus and instead looked to the seemingly impossible circumstances. He immediately began to sink. As Peter cried out to the Lord, “Save me!” Jesus instantly reached out and grabbed him. Jesus was close to Peter in what seemed like his greatest time of need.


Truly, Peter was safe the entire time. But his perception was that he was in dire straits. He took his focus off the truth, forgetting what was real and instead believing the circumstances. Regardless, Jesus is always near.


Our world is in the midst of very trying times financially, politically, and relationally. These trials aren’t just global—they’re reaching each one of us personally. It’s hard to have faith that we will not sink or be swallowed up by the circumstances of this world and our current situations. Try to remember: What was true of God in the past is true of Him still. He is very present and very near to you. He will not leave you, abandon you, or give you away. You have been chosen, redeemed, and adopted by Jesus—and you are His. He will walk with you through each moment, every day. He will provide a path for you to follow. Trust in Him; He is near.


Activity 1: STORY


Activity 2: DISCUSSION

In this part of The Big God Story, the disciples learned that Jesus was near to them. Peter was afraid during the storm, but Jesus saved him. God is always near, and we can trust Him.


I wonder … What would it feel like to be on a boat during a big storm?

I wonder … How was it possible for Jesus to walk on water?

I wonder … What would I think if I saw Jesus walking on the water?


These questions can easily extend into the rest of the week. Look for opportunities to bring conversations about how God Saves into your everyday life as a family.

Worship Songs:

New one:

“Be Bold, Be Strong”


Former worship songs all in one place:


”He’s Able”


“He’s Got the Whole World In His Hands” (not the super traditional one, but we were looking for one with “the wind and the rains” lyric- feel free to just sing it, but include that verse!)


“I Will Make You Fishers of Men”


“Peter, James, and John in a Sailboat”


“Tell the World That Jesus Loves You”


“Every Move I Make”:


“I Will Praise the Lord”:


“Were You There?“


“One, Two, Three”


“Lord, I Lift Your Name on High”


“Hosanna Rock”


“Shout Hosanna”


“The Children Cry Hosanna”


“Who You Say I Am”


“Hey Jonah, Jonah”  to the tune of “Jesus Loves Me”

Jonah, Jonah have you heard?

Said the Lord, go preach my Word.

Jonah said, “That’s not for me!”

Took a ship and fled to sea.



Hey Jonah, Jonah, 

Hey Jonah, Jonah,

Hey Jonah, Jonah,

You should obey the Lord.


Though he thought he’d get away

Soon the ship began to sway

Jonah said, “It’s for my sin,

Pick me up and throw me in!”




When it seemed that he would drown,

Came a fish and gulped him down,

Jonah said, “Lord, I’ll obey,

Tell the folks about your way!”



Lord, I’ll obey you.

Lord, I’ll obey you.

Lord, I’ll obey you.

I will obey the Lord.


“This Little Light of Mine” by Listener Kids:




#1 Coloring/Activity Page:


Print out using card stock. Color, maybe add some disciples to the boat, then cut out. Attach Jesus to a popsicle stick and cut open the slit so Jesus can walk on water to the boat.


#2 This looks like a fun way to review the story and fun to eat, too.



A blessing to pray over your child(ren):


As you begin, pray Psalm 145:18 over the children.

“The LORD is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth.”


Ask the child(ren) to join you by finishing each phrase with “God is near!” Use the phrases below, or tailor your phrases to be more specific to each child. 


When you’re feeling scared … (children) God is near!

When you don’t know what to do … (children) God is near!

When you need a friend … (children) God is near!

When you want to talk … (children) God is near!

When you’re laughing out loud … (children) God is near!

When you’re singing a song … (children) God is near!

When you’re eating a meal … (children) God is near!

When you’re feeling alone … (children God is near!

When you call out to Him … (children) God is near!

When you leave this place … (children) God is near!


When you’re finished, ask children to follow your lead as you raise your hands as if you’re giving something to God. With hands raised, pray this blessing over the group:


May God show you that He is near, and may He guide you so you can share His love with others.


Dear Parents,

Thanks for joining us again as we do Children’s Worship from home!  Today we are reminded of how God shows us His power in many different ways. Jesus took care of people and helped those who needed Him. When Jesus healed the blind man, it showed God’s power to everyone. We, too, and our children can think of some ways we see God’s power in our own lives.  Brainstorm with children different areas in their lives where they see God’s power.  For example: “I see God’s power in my family. I see God’s power in the healthy body He made for me.  I see God’s power in the friends I have in my life.”  God’s power is everywhere.  Let’s help our children to see God’s power in their lives. 

Note: Please let us know about how your family is enjoying Children’s Worship! Take some pictures of your family participating in Children’s Worship or share a story. You can post to the Gold Avenue Church Facebook page or send by email at


Activity One: Watch the video. This video is provided by the curriculum we are using, 

Activity Two: Discuss the story using provided questions as prompts


Activity Three:  Respond to the story by doing an art or serve project. Pray together.

Activity Four:  Bless your children 


(It’s not an activity, but just a little background on the story for you, the parent, to read.)

As he went along, he saw a man blind from birth. His disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” “Neither this man nor his parents sinned,” said Jesus, “but this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him” (John 9:1–3).


The narrative continues with Jesus healing the man and giving him sight. His life was completely transformed. In Jewish culture of the time, most trades would be very difficult to perform without sight. The testimony of the blind man’s neighbors indicates that this man couldn’t practice a trade. Instead, he sat and begged.


This healing wasn’t just the gift of sight; it was also the gift of dignity and purpose. The man was now free to learn a skill, a trade that could take him off the street—freed from a life of begging and dependence upon the compassion of those who passed by. With his sight, he had a new position within his community. This man was now known by something other than his blindness.

Scripture tells us the people in the man’s community questioned him about what had happened. The religious leaders didn’t intimidate the blind man. When questioned, he answered boldly and with confidence in the truth. When he was thrown out of the synagogue, he was met by Jesus and proclaimed his faith in Him as Lord. The man who was once a blind beggar was now a man with physical and spiritual sight. He was completely transformed as a result of knowing Jesus and experiencing the power of God in his life. His new life was now on display for the world to see and know the power of God.


Read John 9:1–12.


How ridiculous would it have been for this man, who was given sight, to return the very next day to the place where he would sit and beg? If he were to wake up the next morning, put on his beggar’s clothes, and place a blindfold around his eyes, wouldn’t you think he was crazy? At the very least, you’d have to think he was completely unaware of his transformation.

Pause for just a moment and think. Is there any area in your life where you’re still wearing beggar’s clothes? Are you living with the feeling of being trapped by circumstance or how you once lived? If we looked to the Lord Jesus as our model for all our life, how different would life be? How would our lives impact the lives of others? Would we be known by the things that enslaved us, or by the One who had freed us?


This week, as you’re preparing for this lesson, may God reveal to you just how special you are. Ask Him to release you from the things that bind you and keep you from living in the freedom He has given you. May the power of our Lord be on display within your heart and in your life.

Activity 1: STORY

Watch video.

Activity 2: DISCUSSION

In today’s part of The Big God Story, we heard just how powerful God can be in our lives. God made you special. He gave you everything you have so other people can see His love and power in your life.


I wonder … What would have happened to the blind man if Jesus hadn’t stopped and healed him?

I wonder … What did the blind man think when Jesus put mud on his eyes?

I wonder … What was the first thing the blind man saw?

I wonder … When have I seen God do something powerful?


These questions can easily extend into the rest of the week. Look for opportunities to bring conversations about how God Saves into your everyday life as a family.

Worship Songs:

New one:


”He’s Able”


Former worship songs all in one place:


“He’s Got the Whole World In His Hands” (not the super traditional one, but we were looking for one with “the wind and the rains” lyric- feel free to just sing it, but include that verse!)


“I Will Make You Fishers of Men”


“Peter, James, and John in a Sailboat”


“Tell the World That Jesus Loves You”


“Every Move I Make”:


“I Will Praise the Lord”:


“Were You There?“


“One, Two, Three”


“Lord, I Lift Your Name on High”


“Hosanna Rock”


“Shout Hosanna”


“The Children Cry Hosanna”


“Who You Say I Am”


“Hey Jonah, Jonah”  to the tune of “Jesus Loves Me”


Jonah, Jonah have you heard?

Said the Lord, go preach my Word.

Jonah said, “That’s not for me!”

Took a ship and fled to sea.



Hey Jonah, Jonah, 

Hey Jonah, Jonah,

Hey Jonah, Jonah,

You should obey the Lord.


Though he thought he’d get away

Soon the ship began to sway

Jonah said, “It’s for my sin,

Pick me up and throw me in!”




When it seemed that he would drown,

Came a fish and gulped him down,

Jonah said, “Lord, I’ll obey,

Tell the folks about your way!”



Lord, I’ll obey you.

Lord, I’ll obey you.

Lord, I’ll obey you.

I will obey the Lord.


“This Little Light of Mine” by Listener Kids:




Mud Painting or Chocolate Pudding Painting

Jesus instructed the blind man to put mud on his eyes and wash them in the river. When the man obeyed, his sight was restored. Children can finger paint with chocolate pudding to get a feel for the consistency of mud and act out the story as you read. Give them a picture of a face outline and tell them to spread “mud” on the eyes when you read that part. When the man washes in the river and receives his sight, ask the children to wipe the “mud” away and shout, “Thank you Jesus! I can see!”


You can give children a small taste of blindness by letting them make a blindfold. Cut an eye mask from poster board and punch a hole on both sides. Tie a string through both holes to fit the size of the child’s head. Ask the children to put the masks on and give them some simple tasks such as eat a snack, drink juice or walk to the door. Discuss how it feels to do everyday tasks without being able to see. Read Jesus’ instructions to the blind man. Have the children say, “I will obey Jesus,” and pretend to wash their faces in water and remove the mask. Try the tasks again and compare the relative difficulty of accomplishing them with and without sight.

Coloring Page:

Friends, Jesus is God. Jesus showed His disciples that He is powerful and that they can follow Him by trusting and obeying Him. All week, you can ask Jesus to show you how to trust and obey Him more and more too.



A blessing to pray over your child(ren):


Explain that they’ll receive a blessing and can place their hands out and open in front of themselves, as if cupping them together to hold water. This is simply a posture that demonstrates they’re ready to receive from God.


May God give you the strength and courage to put your faith into action as you see His power at work in your life.